Author: Stephanie Kelley

Cinderella’s Coach at the Bath Meeting House

A few weeks back, I received an invitation to visit the Art Gallery at the Bath Meeting House to see a new sculpture by local artist Michelle Kazakos.   I have driven by the Bath Meeting House dozens of times without ever really registering its existence, but this little...

Some Thoughts Concerning Money

Every day some new act of outrageous theft and greed by bankers and corporations is revealed to the public. It’s like these guys live in some other world of their own invention!   Which is actually exactly how they think….they’ve been absorbed in their own selfishness and greed for...

From the Editor…

I nearly had a nervous breakdown yesterday when my desktop computer, the one I am writing this very column on right now, decided to start dying. It’s not like it hasn’t lasted a long time…this elderly Dell PC is about 10 years old, which in computer years is probably...

Mushrooms Save the World

A few weeks ago my little dog Boswell and I took a stroll among the lovely groves of trees at the head pond in Beechwood. The rolling lawn is perfect for a game of fetch and the trees were gloriously colorful. As were ambled along we came across a...

Table Talk

From the Editor… One of our primary objectives in producing this little paper is to connect people within our communities, foster connections and discuss ideas mainstream media doesn’t bother with. This is 2012… a year that is packed with prophecy and significance for cultures all across the globe. The...

Another Way to Help Save the Planet! The joys of Recycled clothing

Wearing recycled clothing is a terrific way to help save the planet….and for a number of reasons besides saving money that might not be immediately apparent. For years, I’ve loved shopping for clothes in thrift and consignment stores. Not only is it waaaay cheaper than buying new clothes, it’s...


Back when I first moved up to these parts in 1996, I began exploring the region during my free time…. driving out old back roads and looking for good places to take photos and go hiking with my little dog. I made many trips up the Tobique and was...

878 Waterfront Bistro a Hidden Gem in Perth-Andover

The 878 Waterfront Bistro in downtown Perth-Andover is about to celebrate its third anniversary! This attractive and intimate little bistro is the loving creation of Chef Charles MacFarlane and Maitre D’ Shirley Hansen. The couple had searched all over the Maritime Provinces for a spot to open their new...

UFO Over Perth-Andover?

This intriguing picture was taken in 2006 by Tim and Nance McNally of Perth-Andover. The couple were taking photographs of the river above the village for a contest and did not see the anomaly until they looked at the pictures on their computer screen.   Many governments around the...

Walking the Plank & Taking the Plunge!

We heard about this wonderful wedding party that took place in August of 2012 and asked if we could share some photos of this celebration with our readers.   Jeffrey and Rhonda Pelkey tied the knot in a fun fashion by throwing themselves a Pirate themed party.   They...