Author: Stephanie Kelley

The Strange Saga of Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon believed that NASA (Never A Straight Answer) and the US Military Industrial Complex was lying to the world about the existence of free energy, advanced technology and possible extra-terrestrial contact. So he hacked into their systems to see if he could find out the truth for himself,...

A visit with a local entrepreneur Joe’s Computer Repair

Joe Moore started up his computer repair business in Perth-Andover in 2006. He had been seeking ways to make money online and was continually getting viruses, errors and spyware in his own PC. As a result of the viruses, he found he was spending whatever money he made online...

From the Editor

Ah! We have celebrated the important Winter Solstice of 2012 and are now moving into 2013. Crazy stuff is happening all over. Mass murders, violence….but these are all events designed to keep us fearful and paranoid. Heck, it’s worked up till now! We have placidly accepted the yoke of...

Spirit of Christmas Shines at Plaster Rock Community Dinner!

A small army of volunteers rolled up their sleeves on December 9 and served an amazing crowd of over 1,200 diners a glorious Christmas Dinner at the Plaster Rock Lions Club!   Prep cooks peeled, chopped and diced all day Saturday before the event, and then the cooks really...

From the Editor…

The latest, shocking horrific mass murder has just taken place at an elementary school in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Yet another “Lone Gunman” supposedly went crazy and killed a bunch of people before conveniently killing himself. This case is particularly horrendous because 20 innocent little first graders were killed. As...

A Matter of Conscience

A couple of nights ago, while checking out vintage flicks on my laptop, I stumbled across a wonderful and thought provoking movie called “An Inspector Calls” starring Alastair Sim. The movie is based on a stage play that was written by J.B. Priestly, a playwright who had Socialist sympathies,...


The new Arts & Crafts Centre in Perth-Andover is getting in new , different and totally fantastic goodies every day. I stopped in recently and was amazed at the wealth and variety of creativity that is on display! The Centre is a true Art Gallery giving local artisans the...

Freestyle Fitness Inc

The newest business in Perth-Andover officially opened its doors to the public on December 10. CMC Freestyle Fitness Inc. is a beautiful new co-ed fitness facility, created to serve the village and surrounding area. Have you made a resolution for 2013 to improve your health and fitness? If so,...

Table Talk…

From the editor Greetings & Salutations to all! Can you believe that December is here already? In case you think it is just you, even scientists….those High Priests of Empirical Evidence who have to see stuff in a test tube before they believe it is true…now agree that something...

New Brunswick’s Electrical Odyssey

Mark Connell graciously granted us permission to reprint this essay. Originally published in 1998, the devastating environmental and economic effects of the NB Hydroelectric system described in this essay are even more obvious and pronounced today. It is time to reclaim our river! Mark Connell April 1998 As a...