UFO Over Perth-Andover?

t's a bird...it's a plane...what is that thing, anyway?
t’s a bird…it’s a plane…what is that thing, anyway?
This intriguing picture was taken in 2006 by Tim and Nance McNally of Perth-Andover. The couple were taking photographs of the river above the village for a contest and did not see the anomaly until they looked at the pictures on their computer screen.
Many governments around the world have released their formerly secret UFO files including France and Great Britain and Canada!
The Canadian Government has authorized open public access to thousands of federal government documents concerning UFOs. A total of 9500 digitized documents spanning the years 1947 to the early 1980s have been made available through the Canadian Library and Archives website.

Titled “Canada’s UFOs: The Search for the Unknown” the files include correspondence, reports, memos and procedures, some of which specifically deal with UFOs. The files come from Canada’s National Defense Department, the Department of Transport, the National Research Council, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The USA is still stubbornly dragging its feet, sticking to their story that UFOs simply don’t exist.

Public polls have shown that some 80 percent of Americans believe that their government is hiding the truth about the issue.
But why? It’s for sure not because the government thinks telling the truth will terrify and stampede the population.

You know how they say, when confronted by a crime or a mystery, to always follow the money?

The reason for all the deep, dark secrecy is because if UFO reality is officially acknowledged, the existence of other sources and forms of energy can no longer be denied.

Whatever you think UFOs are, they certainly aren’t running on gasoline!

Extra-terrestrial technology is obviously far in advance of what we ordinary folks currently have access to, but humans are endlessly intelligent and creative on their own.

Over the past 100 years, some 6,000 patents for inventions that tap or create clean, free energy have been ruthlessly suppressed and denied.
It has been necessary to deny alternative energy in order to keep the people of the world enslaved to fossil fuels and to continue make untold trillions of dollars for the elite banksters and corporations who control the world’s governments.

It’s way past time for this deception to end! People are waking up all over the planet and talking about this, bringing about public disclosure of alternative energy and the reality of other civilizations.
The more we all acknowledge the truth amongst ourselves, the sooner it will be known by all the world.

Imagine a world freed from the filth and expense of fossil fuels.
How will you spend the time you no longer have to work long hours just to fill your car up with gas or pay your power bill?

Stephanie Kelley

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