Category: Arts & Culture

Lacto-Fermented Vegetables

Stephanie Kelley In the last issue of the Blackfly I described some of my culinary adventures with fermented vegetables. I had made a batch of kimchi, which was by that time ripe enough to eat, and I had just started a batch of traditional sauerkraut. (recipes are in issue...

Naturally Fermented Foods

Easy & Delicious! Stephanie Kelley Live culture foods are both delicious and nutritious and because fermented foods are loaded with natural pro-biotics and good bacteria, making them part of our regular diet helps to keep our digestive systems healthy and regular.   We especially need to eat more live...

Closest to Human Milk – Or is it?

The Truth Behind Infant Formula By Liza Davenport Let me ask you something : Do you think Infant Formula companies would lie about the ‘health’ of their product for the almighty dollar? Most everyone would answer “No”. Think about that, while you read this article….   In 1865 Chemist...

Plane Ride Ponder

New Brunswickers leave, Their homes today, With mouths to feed, And bills to pay What happened to our forestry? With great mills of paper and lumber! It built communities and brought prosperity, A future now encumbered Jobs grow scarce, Cuts are made, Economy downsize, Priorities weighed What happened to...

Adventures with Beans & Brownies

During a recent visit to the Arts and Crafts Centre in Perth I got to chatting about food with Terrie. We were discussing desserts and she asked me if I knew of a good recipe for Black Bean Brownies.   Now, this is a dainty I’d heard and read...

Craft Beer

All About The Beer & Our Local Economy By Mitch Biggar Craft beer – it’s good for the local economy, it has flavor, it’s nutritious and healthier than corn laden macro beer and let’s not forget the environment – local craft brewers pollute less making our future cleaner and...

Beware Of Imitations!

Keep in mind, that we must always beware of imitations. Kind of like comparing the Ricardian theory of rent (David Ricardo 1772-1823), also called the “economic rent” model, to agriculture’s modern “ecofallow system”. Never mind if’n you don’t “get it”! Like, there are some 800,000 “apps” one can download,...

You Fail Only If …

Rogue Row It is true – you fail only if …! Well, I didn’t really realize that! Like everyone, I have moments (Hours! Days! Weeks!) when I feel – low, blue, ragged-edged, tread worn down to the wear-bars, whatever! Such was such once! However, there on the front page...

How to Taste Beer

All About The Beer with Mitch Biggar Here are some simple ways to enhance your beer loving palate. This will enable you to become a better taster and in turn wow and amaze your friends with your beer geek knowledge.   Hops Defined Hops are the flowers of the Humulus...

Loaf Of Bread

It’d been hard n’ heavy sledding Out in the “oil patch” Days that sometimes seemed like weeks When even “upsides” had a “catch”, His job was flying bush-plane Between the many sites Equipment, goods, and personnel A lot of sleepless nights, Stormy weather, schedules And unforeseen delays Hiccups to...