Category: Arts & Culture

Full of Beans!

Stephanie Kelley Among all the food groups commonly eaten all around the world, no group has a more health supportive combination of protein plus fibre than legumes. A single one cup serving of beans provides nearly 15 grams of fibre and 15 grams of protein, which is about one...

Natural and Unpasteurized Honey from Hollins Apiary

Blake Hollins, a local bee keeper in Arthurette, produces and sells all natural, raw unpasteurized honey. He started keeping bees about nine years ago, and now has 19 strong colonies producing honey.   Raw honey is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-carcinogenic. It offers up a whole host of health benefits...


Remembrances Goldenrods and purple asters Are among the last to go With too late black-eyed susans Standing stiff against the snow, Hornet’s nests have been prepared The housefly has found a crack Crickets now are silent Firefly’s will not be back, Forget-me-nots – forgotten June-bug grubs – a “dig”...

“All About The Beer”

With Mitch Biggar To continue on from the previous article let’s look at some more popular style beer glasses.   The Footed pilsner this is a great glass for typical Canadian ales. These ales have the fruity, floral aromas of an ale but are refreshing and smooth like a...

Oh No! GMO & Home Made Mayonnaise

As I began learning about the dangers of GMO foods a couple of years ago, and how toxic these products are to the environment and our bodies, I began removing GMO from my diet every way that I could. It is estimated that at least 70 percent of the...

We Can Do It

We Can Do It No! Paper plates, Styrofoam Plastic knives and forks TV dinners, ready to eat Screw-off tops and corks! No! Throw away, dispose of Cast off, and discard Environmentally friendly Seems simply – oh so hard! Yes! Reuse and recycle The key to success Reduce and reclaim...


  Oops! I pulled up to the STOP sign Not another car in sight So, I didn’t bother stopping Oops! A ‘ticket’ I can’t fight! I was headed for the table With ‘my’ hodge-podge galore When my trick-knee buckled Oops! It all went on the floor! I was peeling...

Last Week of September

Last Week of September Them foolish falling leaves And, again I remember How we found a spark That we fanned to an ember That flared up, and flamed out The last week of September!    D.C. Butterfield...


Blame  Who’s taking aim What is their game Why – to inflame? When was their claim From where have they came? How come we’re so tame By what manner, explain! Wherewithal is their fame Nevertheless, their acclaim Regardless the frame! At what price is my shame In what way...

“All About The Beer”

With Mitch Biggar Often times I am asked, “Why are there so many different types of beer glasses?  Does each beer style have its own matching beer glass?  What are the names of the different beer glasses? “   In an attempt to clarify these questions let’s look at...