Rachelle’s Mainway Convenience Store
In the seven years that Rachelle Broad has managed the Perth-Andover Irving Mainway, the store has evolved into much more than just a gas station. Under Rachelle`s dedicated and personable management it has become a gathering place and community center. Stop in early any morning and you will find...
How New Brunswick Can Vault Into the 21st Century and Become Self Sufficient in the Process
New Brunswick can become a model for the 21st century, create a vast array of jobs in many sectors, and retain westward fleeing job-seekers by fully embracing hemp farming. Not only could hemp production keep workers in the province, it could also attract new industry and immigrants into the...
Hemp Can Save NB and the World
Marijuana is dangerous. But not to the human body or mind in any way, shape or form. It is, however, a deadly threat to the corporate criminals and oil cartels who currently rule our world. When corporate profit became the touchstone of civilization, the future could only...
Aboriginal people use methods, which are non-confrontational and non-adversarial, of reaching agreement or consensus that are in keeping with values fundamental to their world view and spirituality. The circle is not just a symbol, it is the model by which their society and thought are structured. A Talking Circle...
Ode To My Molly
Ode To My Molly All I have left is a collar And a well worn metal dog-tag I don’t have my beautiful doggy With the tail I used to make wag, But I know I always can find her In the mirror of my mind And when I’m tramping...
The Eagle Has Landed Florenceville Veterinary Clinic veterinarian Dr Shannon Monteith and her staff worked under an eagle eye a couple of weeks ago. It made some staff nervous and uncomfortable as this was a new experience for them but they weren’t the only ones stressed and uncomfortable. The...
A Note from the New Brunswick Green Party
We have had over 25 years of “trickle-down economics” or “Reaganomics” which basically gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the theory that they would invest the extra money in the economy and that money would trickle down to those on the low end of the economic scale. We...
“Twilight Zone”
The Old Man in the Hat The New Year. Always a time to reflect on the past and look towards the future. Some would argue that the present is only a creation of our imagination with today being yesterday’s future and tomorrow’s past. Pondering in this twilight zone of...
Rossignol & Son Welding & Hydraulic
Last year, after the flood in Perth, as part of the repair and renovation in his store Hector at BMR Hardware got a fabulous new work station in his store. The shiny and eye catching textured aluminium desk and storage unit is a custom metal job crafted by Mike...
Tarynn Gray Registered Massage Therapist
Many people think of massage as an expensive extravagance or decadent treat but new studies are showing that massage has a wide variety of tangible health benefits. Research has found that massage therapy: boosts immune function Improve symptoms in children with asthma Increases grip strength in patients with carpal...