From the New Brunswick Green Party

Many of society’s most vulnerable people have been left in a ‘fragile’ state by the economic downturn and cuts to public services and benefits, according to a recent study conducted in the UK. This study focused on three groups: disabled residents and care givers, young people, and families on...

“Fancy That”

The Old Man in The Hat Recently the Finance Minister of New Brunswick raised the idea of instituting Heath Care Premiums as a revenue source for the province. Mr. Higgs has previously commented that New Brunswickers seem to have little appetite for giving up what they have, so getting...

February is heart month

While all of February is Heart Month, the week of February 7-14 is Congenital Heart Defects Week. As couples around the world celebrate their romances, the parents of children born with congenital heart defect celebrate their children’s survival and lives. Congenital heart defects are the Number One killer of...

A visit to a local business: fresh

One of my all time favourite movies is North By Northwest , the classic romance thriller directed by that master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. Our hero, Roger Thornhill, played by the inimitably debonair Cary Grant, meets the lovely heroine Eve Kendall on a train. Eve is portrayed by the...

Love & belonging

Learning to open our hearts and honestly express love and appreciation for each other, our communities and our planet is what shifting our consciousness is all about….and it starts with each one of us as individuals reaching out to our families, friends and neighbours with compassion and understanding.  ...

From the Editor…

Some months back I read an interesting editorial comment in one of the daily provincial papers. This editorial essay commented upon what a big fat waste of money it is to have so many services provided all over the province in our “crazy patchwork of rural communities”. The author...

Perth-Andover Community Garden

The P-A Community Garden Meeting on January 28th was attended by a baker’s dozen of interested potential gardeners. The meeting was led by local organic gardener Wayne Sabine, with David Dow as the special guest speaker. Dave is a long-time organic gardening maestro, and he offered much useful advice...


In the matter regarding the disunity and divisions created by male Indian leaders, who should the rank and file Indians follow now that male Indian leaders have been forced, by the actions of Chief Theresa Spence, to either lead, follow or get out of the way. To me the...

Maliseet Language Project

There are estimated to be about 6,500 different languages spoken in our world today. This might sound like a lot, but there have been even more languages that have been lost.   When we lose the language of any cultural group we lose a piece of living history, and...

From Village Auntie To Vigil Auntie

In September 2012, something called the Vigil Aunties emerged in Perth-Andover. Being the person who gave birth to this idea, I thought it was time to introduce myself. I am aware that people have mixed feelings and possibly alot of discomfort with the idea of the Vigil Aunties. This...