Category: Opinion

From the New Brunswick Green Party:

For those who are satisfied with the way this Province is and has been run, please feel free to skip over this article. For those who are interested in exploring something different, then maybe this will be of interest to you. AS Einstein said ” insanity is doing things...

The Old Man in the Hat

“Please, sir, I want some more.” Oliver Twist, 1837 Charles Dickens, in his novel, Oliver Twist, revealed to his countrymen the horrors of the workhouse, that era’s solution to the problem of providing aid to those in society unable to make ends meet. The workhouse experience of Great Britain...

From the Editor…

The latest, shocking horrific mass murder has just taken place at an elementary school in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Yet another “Lone Gunman” supposedly went crazy and killed a bunch of people before conveniently killing himself. This case is particularly horrendous because 20 innocent little first graders were killed. As...

If it Walks Like a Duck

The Old Man in the Hat Recent provincial decisions to restructure health care delivery at Hotel Dieu Hospital have been predictable and demoralizing. Simultaneously raising people up with the relocation funds, and dashing them down with a loss of health services. Carrot and stick. Part, I am convinced, of...

Table Talk…

From the editor Greetings & Salutations to all! Can you believe that December is here already? In case you think it is just you, even scientists….those High Priests of Empirical Evidence who have to see stuff in a test tube before they believe it is true…now agree that something...

From the editor…

The last issue of the gazette was put together only by the grace of the computer gods…as my old desktop was seriously on its last legs. After that issue was safely published, I immediately bought a new tower and what a joy this has been to work on! But...

From the Editor…

I nearly had a nervous breakdown yesterday when my desktop computer, the one I am writing this very column on right now, decided to start dying. It’s not like it hasn’t lasted a long time…this elderly Dell PC is about 10 years old, which in computer years is probably...

Table Talk

From the Editor… One of our primary objectives in producing this little paper is to connect people within our communities, foster connections and discuss ideas mainstream media doesn’t bother with. This is 2012… a year that is packed with prophecy and significance for cultures all across the globe. The...

Table Talk

from the editor During a visit to the Perth Library last week I checked out Joe McGinniss’ recently published book about Sarah Palin titled “The Rogue.” I’m an ex-pat American who has watched with a kind of fascinated horror at the fascist police state of a train wreck the...

From the Editor…

As I sit down to finally write the editorial this week I am unsure where to begin. I recently read the Flood Mitigation Report for Perth-Andover and Tobique First Nation as well as many news articles about the report and its recommendations. I have heard and read many comments...