Category: Opinion

From the Editor…

Some months back I read an interesting editorial comment in one of the daily provincial papers. This editorial essay commented upon what a big fat waste of money it is to have so many services provided all over the province in our “crazy patchwork of rural communities”. The author...

Note from the NB Green Party

We have probably all heard the saying ” an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. This doubly applies to our health and consequently our health care system. The need to reduce the amount of tax dollars spent on health care in this Province, along with the...

“Too much coffee, man.”

The Old Man in the Hat Okay. They say confession is good for the soul. No matter how embarrassing. I am unsure as to how revealing ones most intimate and sensitive personal proclivities to a public audience raises one up to become a shining light for those who come...

A Note from the New Brunswick Green Party

We have had over 25 years of “trickle-down economics” or “Reaganomics” which basically gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the theory that they would invest the extra money in the economy and that money would trickle down to those on the low end of the economic scale. We...

“Twilight Zone”

The Old Man in the Hat The New Year. Always a time to reflect on the past and look towards the future. Some would argue that the present is only a creation of our imagination with today being yesterday’s future and tomorrow’s past. Pondering in this twilight zone of...

Strange Days

From the Editor… We prefer to focus on the positive in our little newspaper. That is, we don’t really see the benefit in spreading bad news. It brings people down, it spreads fear (which is why mainstream media are eternal gushers of news of misery!) and it just isn’t...

The “Law of Attraction” and our local economies

From the Editors… Most folks have some passing acquaintance with the so-called “Law of Attraction” these days. The concept has been discussed and popularized by many of our cultural idols and gurus, not to mention what the Bible has to say about the concept: As you sow, so shall...

From the New Brunswick Green Party

First of all I have a confession to make. I submitted a draft copy instead of the final copy of the previous article to the paper. I guess it shows what a computer luddite I am. The only glaring difference is the definition of “peak oil”. It should have...

“Dave… The Bounty Hunter”

the old man in the hat Mr. Premier, I admire a man with ambition. I mean, with your polling numbers, I think it’s great that you are branching out. Looking after your future. Very prudent. You have the perfect opportunity- a full time gig- but with enough time on...

From the Editor

Ah! We have celebrated the important Winter Solstice of 2012 and are now moving into 2013. Crazy stuff is happening all over. Mass murders, violence….but these are all events designed to keep us fearful and paranoid. Heck, it’s worked up till now! We have placidly accepted the yoke of...