Category: Featured Columnists

“Decrease the surplus population”

Charles Dickens, 1843 the old man in the hat “At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge,” said the gentleman, taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present...

“The emperor has no clothes!”

the old man in the hat Sorry folks. Still on the marihuana thing. This time it is about Cpl. Ron Francis, a Fredericton RCMP member, currently on medical leave. Apparently the RCMP management object to his wearing identifiable RCMP garb while at the same time consuming marihuana to treat...

“Fracking Dave”

the old man in the hat Sitting in the bleachers, it is always easy to criticize. Fun too!   It will soon be election time again. Fracking Dave will soon meet the test. Shale gas and pension reform, I am sure, will be big issues. Since the beginning of...

“Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”

The old man in the hat Rob Ford. If you don’t recognize the name, you must not watch TV, have an internet connection, no Facebook and no Twitter account. Lucky you.   Mr. Ford is mayor of Toronto, that fair, magical city, in a province that recently joined us...

Agriculture vs Agribusiness

Note from the NBGP In the last article we talked about building a green economy. This article will zero in on one aspect of that economy: agriculture.   Big business and their minions in government have basically replaced the word “agriculture” with “agribusiness”. They always refer to it as...

“The truth will set you free”

the old man in the hat Whatever you think of our government, politicians and the senate, you can not argue that it is boring. The current scandal (a reasonable adjective to describe the web of lies, fabrications and cover-ups from men and women occupying the highest political offices in...

Note from the NBGP

The New Brunswick Green Party (NBGP) is committed to building a green economy. One would have to live with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell not to realize we are in the last stages of an economy based on the use (mis-use?)of fossil fuels; with the associated side effect of...

“Judge a book by its Cover”

the old man in the hat I like books. I guess I grew up a time in our history when there were no cable channels, no satellite TV, no internet, no cell phones, no Facebook. You know. The dark ages. The 1960’s. Rabbit ears and three channels. My children...

“The Political Issue”

The old man in the hat Recently, in Saint John, our premier uttered the following comments, regarding the PROPOSED “Energy East” pipe dreams project.   “It will change the direction of our province. It will change the direction of our economy. It will change the fate of many of...

It’s Alive!!!

the old man in the hat I don’t like horror shows. Never did. Maybe it has something to do with living in the boondocks. When you scream, there really is no one around to hear you. Watching scary shows, alone, late at night, is just too creepy. When you...