Category: Featured Columnists

In A Perfect World!

Rogue Row As I was recently looking back on the winter of my 68th (Sigh!) year I was feeling a tad down when my old buddy Jack O’Lantern came by. Lights up a room the minute he steps in. Kinda reminds me of the days with Bill and Old...

As I Walk………..

A Laypersons Journey to Understanding Our winter this year has been challenging to many, not least those looking out for the best interests of our school aged children. Recently concern has been expressed over the number of “snow days” that have been declared this year, with the resultant loss...

“Saint Francis of Bay Street”

the old man in the hat So you thought you were all grown up. Thought you could dress yourself with matching colours and go off to school. Thought that 12 years of community school, 4 years of university, 4 years of grad school and a couple of years of...


Jammed – positioned tightly between bodies or surfaces so that motion or extrication is made difficult or impossible. Jammed – caught between a rock and a hard place. I’ve written columns like that …! Taberduker! But, you won’t get “jammed” if’n you know that “in it’s class” means basically...

As I Walk….

I was out walking the other morning admiring the beauty of the snow and thinking how blessed I was to live in such a scenic place.   We really are quite fortunate. It is almost a Goldilocks sort of situation. Most of the time it is neither too hot...

“The Mouse in the Corner”

the old man in the hat Canada is a neat place. New Brunswick is fantastic. I mean, where else can you put your beer in the snow to get cold and it is still there, still cold, 9 months later. Still in the snow. AND more snow.   But...

Just Scratching The Surface

Oftentimes, whatever one is doing, one is just scratching the surface. And, often just after that surface is scratched, someone will come along to “clarify”! Example: Someone said they’d be soon pushing towards their “threescore years and ten” when it was pointed out that according to Psalm 90:10 they...

As I Walk……….

A Laypersons Journey to Understanding “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” This phase up sounds fair. As a concept it certainly sounds satisfying on a human level. It fits right in with sentiments such as survival of the fittest, to the victor go the...

“I.Y.H.T.A- Y.D.W.T.K***”

the old man in the hat Acronyms. Those wonderful bits of letters that mean something more. Usually they are cute mnemonics that help us remember complicated concepts or organizations.   For those in the know SOA and SAMCRO have special meanings as monikers for the tales of violence committed...

As I Walk……

 A Laypersons Journey to Understanding by “Un Recipiente Vacío” Welcome to a commentary on issues and thoughts on faith, belief and religious understanding from a non- professional perspective. Opinions expressed are my own and may reflect your understanding of religious thought or may be totally off the wall. The...