Category: Living Local

Operation Desert Dog Re-Cap

Hi, my name is Martin, or as my current foster family calls me, Valentine. Guess when they brought me home? I’m not sure if I should tell everyone my real name or not. Maybe I’ll just keep them guessing. Besides, they can call me anything they want – I...

Local Family Creates Crafts Together Cellar Dweller Crafts

Doug and Sheila McKinley, along with their son Logan and daughter Cheyanne, operate Cellar Dweller Crafts out of their home in Rowena. Doug makes a wide variety of wood crafts, shelves and wooden ornaments and takes custom orders. Sheila, who is the Art Instructor at Southern Victoria High School,...

Hilery Hargrove Opens New Law Office in Plaster Rock

Barrister Hilery Hargrove has opened a law office in the Village of Plaster Rock. With his main office still located in Bristol, he will be open for practice two days a week in Plaster Rock.   Hilery’s mother Polly Giberson was born in Weaver. She grew up on the...


OPERATION DESERT DOGS In January 2013, the Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) was called to assist with a case of animal hoarding in Palm Springs, California. The report suggested that a man was living in a small home with 20 – 30 dogs who were not being cared for. Once...

A visit to a local business: fresh

One of my all time favourite movies is North By Northwest , the classic romance thriller directed by that master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. Our hero, Roger Thornhill, played by the inimitably debonair Cary Grant, meets the lovely heroine Eve Kendall on a train. Eve is portrayed by the...


In the matter regarding the disunity and divisions created by male Indian leaders, who should the rank and file Indians follow now that male Indian leaders have been forced, by the actions of Chief Theresa Spence, to either lead, follow or get out of the way. To me the...

Maliseet Language Project

There are estimated to be about 6,500 different languages spoken in our world today. This might sound like a lot, but there have been even more languages that have been lost.   When we lose the language of any cultural group we lose a piece of living history, and...

From Village Auntie To Vigil Auntie

In September 2012, something called the Vigil Aunties emerged in Perth-Andover. Being the person who gave birth to this idea, I thought it was time to introduce myself. I am aware that people have mixed feelings and possibly alot of discomfort with the idea of the Vigil Aunties. This...


This is a lovely message from an anonymous veterinarian that we found on the internet and would like to share with our readers. Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy...

In Memory of Millie

Millie was born on May 25, 2005. Her mother, Edie, was a stray rescued by DunRoamin’.   Adopting a dog wasn’t in the cards for Mom and Dad. Millie was an unplanned addition to the family. I had picked one of Edie’s litter a few weeks earlier and on...