Category: Living Local

One Year Later After the Flood of 2012

Saturday, March 23rd marked the one year anniversary since the historical Perth-Andover flood of 2012. It was a day filled with mixed emotions for many people affected by the flood. Some people were grateful that they had their homes back together and expressed thanks for all the help they...


ROGER Have you heard about Roger? He’s the old tom recently rescued and brought to DunRoamin’. His face is scratched and scarred. He has one cauliflower ear. His coat was dirty and brittle. His tail is stubby and bent. His body has scars from repeated fights and injuries. His...

Another DunRoamin’ Success Story!

Darwin and Dobby We adopted Martin a few weeks ago but have since changed his name to Darwin. He has been enjoying bike rides and walks with his new owners in the woods outside of Fredericton. Darwin has been enjoying the time spent with his new owners but the...

Home town or clone town?

In order to rebuild our local communities and our sense of security and belonging we need to look to our past.   Back in the days when small businesses made up the backbone of our local towns and villages, there were jobs and everyone was connected to the well-being...

Another DunRoamin’ Success Story!

Thelma came to DunRoamin’ from a bad situation. In all likelihood, Thelma was a puppy mill female. Her life was horrible with no love or contact from any one person who saw her for what she was and should be. Thelma was very thin, with matted, filthy fur. Her...

Real Alternative Web AM Radio Comes to Victoria County! Real

Do you ever get tired of the recycled tunes that the local radio stations available around here endlessly and repeatedly serve up? Seriously, I don’t care how much you loved the 1980’s… have we not heard enough AC-DC to last us two or three lifetimes?   Now Victoria County...

Hidden history comes to light

For over 100 years Canada’s Indian, Metis and Inuit children were taken from their families and sent to institutional settings called residential schools, sometimes forcibly, sometimes under threat of incarceration if parents did not cooperate and always with the deception that what was being done was in the best...

Neqotuk Health Center

The Neqotuk Health Center at Tobique First Nation provides a holistic healing environment for all patients who visit the clinic. By embracing and displaying community cultural aspects, this health center celebrates Aboriginal art, history and traditions. The spiritual aspects of patients’ health issues are addressed along with the physical....


GREAT SCOT! One very disturbing condition that we see all too frequently is that in which an outdoor dog suffers from an embedded collar. This situation has many upsetting implications. They include the fact that the collar was placed on the dog when he was much smaller and he...