Chemtrails…not just a theory anymore

Chemtrails over Craig’s Flat, New Brunswick August 25, 2013 RJ McNichol Photos
Chemtrails over Craig’s Flat, New Brunswick August 25, 2013 RJ McNichol Photos
The US government and military began experimenting with cloud seeding technology and methods way back in the 1960’s.
I was just a kid when it was discussed in one of my grade school science classes back then…it even seemed way cool and useful that it was possible to seed clouds to make them rain in order to relieve drought!
But that was a long time ago, and those initial cloud seeding experiments have long since turned into something much more sinister than merely being a way to cause rain to fall.
Chemtrails, as these plumes of chemicals in the sky are now called, are distinctly different from ordinary jet contrails. Normal contrails consist of water vapour, and they dissipate within minutes after a jet passes over.
Chemtrails, on the other hand, are made up of a chemical concoction containing primarily barium, strontium and aluminum. These chemical vapours are not emitted from jet engines like contrails, they are deliberately sprayed from nozzles along the edges of the jet’s wings.

The existence of chemtrails first began to be discussed back in the 1990’s. However, anyone who questioned what they were was quickly discounted as a “conspiracy theorist”.
Chemtrails have been repeatedly and vigorously denied by scientists, governments, the military and NASA but simple empirical observation shows that these things are real.

If the term conspiracy theorist makes you roll your eyes and tune out the subject, bear in mind that conspiracies do exist and that part of the conspiracy is to call people conspiracy theorists in order to ridicule and discredit them!

Just a couple of weeks ago, on August 25th, there was a Global March Against Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering. In major cities around the world thousands of people rallied to protest and demand that the spraying be stopped.
Ironically, on that very day R.J. McNichol, who lives in Craig’s Flat, took these photos of major chemtrail activity over his home.

All these plumes in the sky at once cannot possibly be mere contrails, or has the air space over rural New Brunswick suddenly become some kind of major jet route? If it is, and these were merely contrails, wouldn’t we see them every day? And, those trails sure look like they were laid out in a deliberate cross-hatch design….

Rates of autism and Alzheimer’s have risen drastically in recent years. Plenty of factors are thought to contribute to this, from GMO foods full of pesticides and herbicides, to pollution and more.
But one common distinction found among people afflicted with autism and Alzheimer’s is that they have toxically high quantities of aluminum in their systems.
And aluminum is one of the main ingredients found in these so-called geo-engineering compounds. When sprayed in the air, these compounds eventually come to ground and end up in our soil, our food, our water and the air we breathe.

Stephanie Kelley

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