The Wulustukyieg Traditional Council of Tobique Position on Shale Gas Exploitation Within Our Homeland

The WTCT opposes, in the strongest possible terms, the continuing exploitation and destruction of our homeland, Oskigeneeweekog, by our white oppressors. Be it fracking, mining, lumbering, spraying, etc, etc.
As our white oppressors progress upon their headlong rush toward self-destruction in the name of greed or as they call it, progress and development, they continue on their genocidal course in killing off the remaining few Indians who have always known NB as their homeland.The course that they embarked upon when they annihilated the welcoming, gentle and peaceful Beothuk.
Since all other attempts have not worked and since all levels of white governments simply ignore our pleas to be heard, the WTCT is preparing a complaint to the United Nations under its genocide convention protection.
The UN Genocide Convention states, in very clear and simple terms, that a nation state cannot kill off another people under the guise of progress and development.
We must heed the words and sentiments of Malcolm X who stated in the strongest terms possible, when he urged his black brothers… “to use any means necessary” to get the white oppressors to remove their jackboots of terrorism and oppression from their collective throats.
So too must the Red Man!
We must also keep in mind that we are not the thieves, the criminals, the killers, the murderers, not the ones who committed genocide.
Our people have done nothing wrong nor do we do anything wrong or criminal when we protect and defend ourselves, our families, our clans, our communities and our nations. We are simply doing our duty.
These are the words of a child of genocide.

Dan Ennis
Saugum, WTCT

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