Tag: hydro-fracking

Hydro-Fracking Explained at Perth-Andover Presentation

The Shale Gas Presentation that was held at the Perth-Andover Legion Hall on September 18 was well attended by concerned local citizens. The meeting lasted for nearly four hours, from 7 pm until 11 pm, but nearly everyone who attended stayed until the very end as the speakers were...

Water & Oil Don’t Mix…

Water. It covers 75 percent of the surface of our planet, yet unsafe drinking water is the single greatest killer in the world. Roughly half of the developing world suffers from illnesses caused by contaminated water supplies.   Drinking water is the story of empire. Since prehistoric times, human...

Is nestle the most evil corporation in the world?

All over the world, Nestle has been draining the water from financially beleaguered regions.   The technique Nestlé uses is this: Find an economically weak region, buy up the land surrounding the water source and grease the political wheels by making a proposal the residents can’t possibly refuse. How...