Tag: Horizon Health

It’s Alive!!!

the old man in the hat I don’t like horror shows. Never did. Maybe it has something to do with living in the boondocks. When you scream, there really is no one around to hear you. Watching scary shows, alone, late at night, is just too creepy. When you...

From the editor

Hello Dear Readers, Steph here, back to life after a 44 day stint at the hospital! That was a long time to be out for the count. Words cannot express my gratitude to my family and friends who have taken care of my pets and home, and visited me...

A New Vision for Perth-Andover and Hotel Dieu

“SPEM REDUXIT” is the motto of the Province of New Brunswick It means “HOPE was restored”. In this beautiful part of northwestern New Brunswick, following the disastrous flood of March 23- 25, 2012 in Perth-Andover, we need to have our “HOPE restored” ! The Hotel Dieu Hospital Defence Committee...