Tag: DunRoamin’ Stray and Rescue

In Memory of Millie

Millie was born on May 25, 2005. Her mother, Edie, was a stray rescued by DunRoamin’.   Adopting a dog wasn’t in the cards for Mom and Dad. Millie was an unplanned addition to the family. I had picked one of Edie’s litter a few weeks earlier and on...


OMEN It may be that Dr Monteith and I have come up with a new treatment modality. At least it seems to have worked for us this time. A few more clinical trials should give us more information on its effectiveness.   I guess I should start at the...

Kitty Rescue Operation

Perth-Andover… The elusive Park Street Vagabond Kitty has been safely live trapped and is receiving medical attention from the wonderful people at DunRoamin”  . This black & white cat was abandoned by its owner about five years ago. It took to the streets and became semi-feral.   People in...


Again, it is not just the DunRoamin’ group that advocates bringing pets indoors and making dogs part of the family instead of leaving them outside. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I would like to pass on these tips from the BC SPCA. They are very relevant here – a...


In the May/June 2012 issue of Pets Magazine, William J. Thomas wrote an interesting article and gave a huge ‘Thumbs Down’ to dressing up your pet in clothing. His article was well written. I could almost hear his voice and as I kept reading I could feel a ‘little...


(www.bekindtogodscreatures.com)   I-LEAN Well, surprisingly, I have a new favourite cat! I don’t take this admission lightly, but this little stray has inspired my admiration, as others have, with her strong will to live, her strength under adversity and her trust and acceptance of us – her proud caretakers...

Pet Tails

have always wondered why people get pets just to leave them outside. Even those that are properly fed and housed miss so much by not getting attention from the humans that have taken on the responsibility of caring for them. Not only do the poor animals miss out but...


MANLEY Call me fickle, but I have to tell you about my newest favourite dog, Manley. He was removed from terrible living conditions by a strong DunRoamin’ supporter who deals in rental properties. He’s a six- or seven-month old possible Great Dane mix, black and tan with a little...

Please Help Keep the Shelter Open

The following quote about animal rescue workers was found online and forwarded to me by a friend and colleague. I could have said it better myself. We are human. We try our best, and yes – sometimes we make mistakes, or misspeak or use the wrong tone of voice....

Tales from Big Tig

Hi! It’s Bigger Tigger! I got an excitin’ tale this week! Angie says we took years off her life, and we all need a home soon. She’s so funny.   One day us kittens were hanging in our hammocks (Angie says those are sun shades, not hammocks, but we...