Tag: Canadian Holocaust

Another Perspective on Canada Day

In a printed editorial it was stated that we all have reasons to get involved in the St.Croix anniversary and by extension Canada Day celebrations, that there have been winners and losers, and that this anniversary is a time of celebration, for others an occasion for somber commemoration, and...

New and Modern Treaties and the Continuing Manipulation of Our People

New and modern treaties means dealing with new and modern fascist Nazis. New and modern Nazis but with the same old violent attitude and mind set that white is right and that might is right.   These new and modern Nazis, just as with Hitler’s Nazis, have absolutely no...


In the matter regarding the disunity and divisions created by male Indian leaders, who should the rank and file Indians follow now that male Indian leaders have been forced, by the actions of Chief Theresa Spence, to either lead, follow or get out of the way. To me the...