Want More Jobs? Choose Green Energy!
Clean, sustainable energy does more than just reduce carbon emissions and environmental damage…it brings sustainable jobs, investment opportunities and a competitive edge over the fossil fuel industry. Our province is truly richly endowed with renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and tidal currents. With green policies...
Water & Oil Don’t Mix…
Water. It covers 75 percent of the surface of our planet, yet unsafe drinking water is the single greatest killer in the world. Roughly half of the developing world suffers from illnesses caused by contaminated water supplies. Drinking water is the story of empire. Since prehistoric times, human...
“Why Not?”
The old man in the hat The fine people of TransCanada Pipelines have graced us with their dog and pony show of the proposed “Energy East”, 12 billion dollar energy project. How nice. I think the weekly magazine Maclean’s said it the best in their September 2 article,...
Tobique First Nation Community Garden
Community gardens are sprouting up everywhere! In these days of ever rising food costs, and as more folks become aware of the dangers of genetically modified organisms and pesticide and herbicide drenched produce, it only makes sense to grow your own food. Growing a garden puts us back in...
Broken Promises and Broken Pipelines The Great Oil Tar Sands Bamboozle
Representatives from the TransCanada Corporation ….or perhaps TranceCanada would be more accurate… have been hosting workshops across New Brunswick to spew hopium to struggling rural communities in our province in order to promote their Energy East Pipeline project. This ambitious plan proposes to build a pipeline from the oil...
Another Hullacious Hullabaloo!
The 6th Annual Larlee Creek Hullabaloo got off to a rain drenched start on Friday afternoon but fortunately for all music lovers Ma Nature decided to smile on the festival after all…. The clouds finally parted and sun broke out creating a beautiful double rainbow just as the first...
Another New Local Business! Bisque & Biscotti
A lovely and cozy new coffee bistro has just opened in Florenceville-Bristol! The former Studio Sarah, a paint your own pottery studio run by Sarah Nicholson in Florenceville, has moved shop and been re-branded as Bisque & Biscotti. Located on Bristol Main Street right across from the Riverfront...
Local Eatery Delivers Food & Flavour!
One of the great conveniences and joys of city life that I miss the most living here in Perth-Andover is having a delicious meal delivered right to my home. You know, a whole batch of Chinese chow dropped off while I wait in my jammies, or a piping hot...
Red Door Salon
Erica Kent is the owner and aesthetician at the charming Red Door Salon in Plaster Rock. She’s a local girl, born and raised in Plaster Rock, and having her own salon in her home town is a dream come true! Erica attended the aesthetics and beauty school L’Institut Jon...
From the editor…
I was sitting around the other day, pondering upon the mysteries of the universe as I like to do. I try to keep my ruminations positive, as it’s important to maintain a cheerful attitude in this life, and to shy away from any pity parties, but sometimes stuff just...