An Old Fashioned May Day Celebration
Back in the Olden Days before we had Social Media and texting to reach out and touch people, there was the charming old tradition of showing your interest or affection to others by gifting them with a hand -made May Basket. An interested party would make a basket,...
Blood On The Brand
They slink down the runway All eyelashes and lips Strutting their stuff As they swivel their hips, Sleek silhouettes In stiletto style heels Who – can’t fathom hunger And – the way that it feels, High-fashion models Selling designer clothes Enticing the masses To buy them in droves, ‘Haute...
Pet Page & SPCA Update
As I pass by the Arthurette Animal Shelter on my way to deliver the Blackfly to Plaster Rock, I usually stop in to say hi to the shelter staff and visit with the cats. In the March 26 issue we told the story of the little calico mama cat...
A Voice for our Community
Valerie Furge The “Voice for our Community” wine and cheese reception and fundraiser for DunRoamin’ Stray and Rescue was held Tuesday, April 15 at the Andrew and Laura McCain Art Gallery in Florenceville-Bristol. Although the attendance was small, those who came enjoyed an evening of conversation and information. Dr....
A Plant Story
While Linda and I were visiting Jo-Anne Broad to visit Alice the cat and her kittens in Jo-Anne’s home in Plaster Rock I admired an enormous and beautiful Christmas Cactus which dominates a corner in the living room. It turns out that this is a plant with a...
Flood Watch 2014
Happy Easter to All! And Perth-Andover has so far received the very best Easter present of all…. No flood. We dodged the bullet for another year, but what about the years to come? Beleaguered village residents have lived through what seems like the longest and most suspenseful horror...
Canterbury Royale…An Extraordinary Culinary Experience
Canterbury Royale is a total surprise if you have not visited before. It is a beautiful gourmet dining restaurant nestled in the woods off Sam Everett Road. Best friends and business partners Barbara Boucher and Renee O’Neill lived in Perth-Andover at one time…. They operated an art gallery...
878 Waterfront Bistro
Charles and Shirley have returned from their winter break refreshed and invigorated and are happy to report that their lovely Waterfront Bistro is officially open for the season. They opened on April 16th and are introducing some new menu items for your dining pleasure. Shirley has the Bistro...
Towards a Sound, Prosperous & Sustainable Economy for NB
Stephanie Kelley Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! That’s the promise we are hearing from the provincial government and corporations who want to frack, clear cut and run a pipe line across our beautiful, lush and fertile province. It sure sounds good, but are those jobs really there? Back in...
Community Supported Agriculture & Gardens
Stephanie Kelley The Perth-Andover Community Garden meeting is usually held at the Perth-Andover Baptist Church on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. Our last meeting featured two guest speakers, organic gardeners Cita Green and Tim Livingstone, who shared their gardening secrets and described methods of compost...