Category: Opinion

Beware Of Imitations!

Keep in mind, that we must always beware of imitations. Kind of like comparing the Ricardian theory of rent (David Ricardo 1772-1823), also called the “economic rent” model, to agriculture’s modern “ecofallow system”. Never mind if’n you don’t “get it”! Like, there are some 800,000 “apps” one can download,...

“Let them eat cake”**

the old man in the hat Our past always come back to haunt us. Some modern theories of our current penchant for consuming too many calories claim that this need to overeat is based on our genetic, hunter gatherer past, prior to the establishment of farming communities. Feast or...

That Thing That Guys Do…

From the editor…. A few years back, when I was working part time as a bartender, one of the young cooks at the establishment would occasionally come in for a drink after his shift. He was a scrappy little county guy, always in a bit of trouble. He liked...

You Fail Only If …

Rogue Row It is true – you fail only if …! Well, I didn’t really realize that! Like everyone, I have moments (Hours! Days! Weeks!) when I feel – low, blue, ragged-edged, tread worn down to the wear-bars, whatever! Such was such once! However, there on the front page...

“Decrease the surplus population”

Charles Dickens, 1843 the old man in the hat “At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge,” said the gentleman, taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present...

The Way Ahead for New Brunswick…

DAVID COON COMMENTARY 02 Dec 2013 How do we build this new green economy? We must explicitly choose the exit ramp off the highway to ruin, for the road that leads to sustainability and fairness.   The Green Party is the party of hope, community self-reliance, and transformation. The...

Really Real News… Had Any Lately?

From the editor… So… I got a third hand report the other day about how someone was discussing an article about fracking that they’d read in the Blackfly at that sober and mature daily public forum that is held at our local Tim Hortons. The person they were talking...

“The emperor has no clothes!”

the old man in the hat Sorry folks. Still on the marihuana thing. This time it is about Cpl. Ron Francis, a Fredericton RCMP member, currently on medical leave. Apparently the RCMP management object to his wearing identifiable RCMP garb while at the same time consuming marihuana to treat...


In a facebook comment last week, I was described as being simple-minded. I never read the posting, but I was told that the comment was not meant to be flattering. Which is too bad. This author obviously doesn’t know me…because… I am quite proud of the fact that I...

“Fracking Dave”

the old man in the hat Sitting in the bleachers, it is always easy to criticize. Fun too!   It will soon be election time again. Fracking Dave will soon meet the test. Shale gas and pension reform, I am sure, will be big issues. Since the beginning of...