Category: Life

What’s Your Number?

It is said that mathematics is the language of the universe. The ancient art of Numerology is based on the individual vibrations of the numbers, with each number having its own properties and meanings.   Even if people don’t know anything about numerology, most people have lucky numbers, or...

Winter Solstice 2013

Shortest Day-Longest Night Stephanie Kelley Winter will officially arrive in our little corner of the Universe here in New Brunswick at precisely 1:11 PM on Saturday, December 21 this year. There was quite a bit of hoopla surrounding the Winter Solstice last year, in 2012, what with it being...

Moving Day at Last!

Stephanie Kelley Finally…The end is nigh for the latest Great Flood Relocation Program!   After months of delays, set-backs, game play changes and excruciating waits on everything for everybody, the last two inhabited homes will be moved in a couple of days as I write this.   This is...

Cellist Emmanuel Ortega

Music in the River Valley! Stephanie Kelley The Village of Perth-Andover gained a new resident last October when classical musician and cellist Emmanuel Ortega moved to town to coordinate the Sistema New Brunswick youth music program at Mah Sos School at Tobique First Nation. This is the fourth community...

Natural and Unpasteurized Honey from Hollins Apiary

Blake Hollins, a local bee keeper in Arthurette, produces and sells all natural, raw unpasteurized honey. He started keeping bees about nine years ago, and now has 19 strong colonies producing honey.   Raw honey is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-carcinogenic. It offers up a whole host of health benefits...

Agriculture vs Agribusiness

Note from the NBGP In the last article we talked about building a green economy. This article will zero in on one aspect of that economy: agriculture.   Big business and their minions in government have basically replaced the word “agriculture” with “agribusiness”. They always refer to it as...


Observations and Recommendations By Bob Osborne Editor’s Note: Bob Osborne is an internationally recognized horticulturist who operates Corn Hill Nursery in New Brunswick. This horticulture center was established over 25 years ago and attracts visitors from all over Canada. Covering some 85 acres, the nursery offers about a thousand...

Flying Wombats & Phantom Corsairs Lies the Auto Industry Sells Us

The first time I heard talk about suppressed inventions and technology was over 40 years ago….my counter-culture friends told about how there’d been a carburetor developed that got 75 MPG but it had been bought out by Big Oil so we’d all have to keep on driving gas guzzling...

Maliseet Language Classes

People of all ages at Tobique First Nation are now able to brush up on their Maliseet Language skills, or learn it for the first time. Through a number of initiatives, including teaching films, local signage and classes local residents are reconnecting with the language of their ancestors. Conquerors...

Artistic Lapidary Endeavors

To Southeastern Maine and back a “Rockhound’s Journey” By Bryce H. Easter and Janet M. Easter Bryce Easter is a local lapidary living in Fort Fairfield, Maine. Together, with his partner Janet, the two explore our local landscape searching for minerals and semi-precious gems to cut, polish and turn...