Category: Life

Plastic Insanity

A few years back I stumbled across a most horrific discovery….the man-made sea of floating plastic crap in the Pacific Ocean called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. And then it got even more mind boggling, it wasn’t the only one of these obscenities. There are four more of these...

The Partnership Way

John Perkins, author of “Secrets of an Economic Hitman” and “The Secret History of American Empire” (both highly recommended reads, BTW, if you want to know more about the machinations of empire building) relates this interesting interview.   While traveling in Tibet he met and spoke with a group...

Spaceship Earth

Paul Hawkins is a writer and an activist who agitates and campaigns for social and economic justice, the ecology of our only planet, and a better planet for us all.   In one of his books, “Blessed Unrest,” he described an interesting exercise that he had given to a...

Soap Under the Sheet…What the Hey?

About a year and a half ago, as I was chatting on the phone with my Aunt C., she mentioned that she got frequent leg cramps during the night. I winced with sympathy… every once in awhile I get a leg or foot cramp at night, and it’s definitely...

Unusual Tourist Attraction

The town of St Paul, Alberta is home to the world’s first Flying Saucer Landing Pad!   This unique structure was erected in 1967 to celebrate Canada’s Centennial and to attract tourists, both earthlings and galactics, to the town.   The Hon. Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Minister of Defense, flew...

They Don’t Make Stuff Like They Used To!

Some 20 years ago I owned a vintage Hoover Upright vacuum cleaner manufactured sometime in the 1940’s. I’d inherited it from a gal pal who had moved into a 4,000 square foot McMansion with a central vacuum system so she had no more need for this venerable household gadget....

Balm of Gilead

During a recent chat with a friend of mine, she told me how a friend of hers had gotten relief from his previously chronic eczema by applying the home-made “Balm of Gilead” she had given him.   She went on to explain that her friend had been plagued by...

Acne, Rosacea and the Demodex Mite

Acne has been plaguing us humans since the dawn of civilization. Egyptian pharaohs got it, and it was written about by both Aristotle and Hippocrates in ancient Greece. Even way back then medical healers saw the connection between the onset of puberty and acne but then, as now, doctors...

Local Lass Donates Hair to Locks of Love

When young Brooke McDougall (daughter of Alison and Walter McDougall of Perth-Andover) learned about “Locks of Love” she immediately decided to begin growing her own hair to donate to the cause.   Locks of Love is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing highest quality hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children...

Maine Town Declares Food Sovereignty!

Sedgwick, Maine is making history by declaring all local food transactions of any kind free and legal.   According to the website, Sedgwick is the first city in the U.S. to free itself from the constraints of federal and state food regulation. Published reports say the town has...