Category: Issues

Old Timey Switchel

It may amuse readers to learn that, when I was a pub owner, I was more concerned about the health effects of soda pop than liquor on my customers. Soft drinks have become an appalling concoction of chemicals sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, or even worse, aspartame.  ...

Monkey Sea Monkey Do

Do you remember the old ads for the wondrous creatures called Sea Monkeys?   Maybe this ad is still featured prominently in comic books, I haven’t checked….but for sure back in the early 60’s this ad was on the back of every comic book I ever read as a...

Coral Castle

Did you ever stop to wonder how the pyramids really got built? And I’m not talking about that nonsense we all got fed in school about thousands of slaves with ropes and whips and logs supposedly moving giant blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons.   And this did...

PAFD Decoded!

Are you one of the over 6,000 registered PAFD Lotto entrants who eagerly await the Saturday evening Lotto Draw? Have you ever wondered how the lucky winners, or not so lucky non-winners, get their names picked? We ourselves were curious, and asked Chief Phil Walker if we could let...

Soap Under the Sheet…What the Hey?

About a year and a half ago, as I was chatting on the phone with my Aunt C., she mentioned that she got frequent leg cramps during the night. I winced with sympathy… every once in awhile I get a leg or foot cramp at night, and it’s definitely...

Did You Know…

They say small businesses are the backbone of the Canadian Economy. And they ain’t just whistling Dixie…our small businesses pay the bulk of the taxes that support our infrastructure, our roads, our services, our health care, our social safety nets….everything! By comparison, our major corporations pay very little in...

The Flood Issue

As Perth-Andover continues to recover from the Deluge of 2012 we plan to keep you as up to date as possible with news and advice from our various committees. We’d like anyone with news or ideas to share to please drop us a line at . We’ll print...

Unusual Tourist Attraction

The town of St Paul, Alberta is home to the world’s first Flying Saucer Landing Pad!   This unique structure was erected in 1967 to celebrate Canada’s Centennial and to attract tourists, both earthlings and galactics, to the town.   The Hon. Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Minister of Defense, flew...

They Don’t Make Stuff Like They Used To!

Some 20 years ago I owned a vintage Hoover Upright vacuum cleaner manufactured sometime in the 1940’s. I’d inherited it from a gal pal who had moved into a 4,000 square foot McMansion with a central vacuum system so she had no more need for this venerable household gadget....

From the Editors

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Blackfly Gazette. Jonathan Gagnon and I had been working on this project of starting a little hometown newsletter for a couple of months prior to The Flood when all hell broke loose! We put our project on hold while we and the...