Author: Guest

Artistic Lapidary Endeavors

To Southeastern Maine and back a “Rockhound’s Journey” By Bryce H. Easter and Janet M. Easter Bryce Easter is a local lapidary living in Fort Fairfield, Maine. Together, with his partner Janet, the two explore our local landscape searching for minerals and semi-precious gems to cut, polish and turn...

Let’s Talk about Sex… the Consensual Kind!

by Emily Lockhart Emily Lockhart grew up in Perth Andover and graduated from Southern Victoria high school in 2005. She holds a BA in Sociology and Women’s Studies and an MA in Sociology from the University of New Brunswick. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Socio-legal studies at...

Note from the NBGP

The New Brunswick Green Party (NBGP) is committed to building a green economy. One would have to live with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell not to realize we are in the last stages of an economy based on the use (mis-use?)of fossil fuels; with the associated side effect of...

“Judge a book by its Cover”

the old man in the hat I like books. I guess I grew up a time in our history when there were no cable channels, no satellite TV, no internet, no cell phones, no Facebook. You know. The dark ages. The 1960’s. Rabbit ears and three channels. My children...


Doug Griffiths, author of ῝13 Ways to Kill Your Community″, outlines his observations of what people do that contribute to their community′s decline. The following is a summary of point #13 in his book.       Don’t Take Responsibility Lack of housing and financial resources, declining volunteerism, high...

Tigger Tails from DunRoamin’

By Bigger Tigger Hi! Bigger Tigger here….The other day, Angie came and told me that I got fan mail! She seemed so surprised! I wasn’t, I knew I had fans. How could a stellar Tig like me not have a growing fan base? Angie then told Tig about modesty....

Letters, from André Laurion

Dear Editor, I live along the beautiful Tobique River, in Gladwyn. I have hiked, biked and driven its shores for well over twenty years. This summer, I wanted a change of perspective, so I purchased a 17-foot square-sterned canoe with an outboard motor. I have had a wonderful time...

“The Political Issue”

The old man in the hat Recently, in Saint John, our premier uttered the following comments, regarding the PROPOSED “Energy East” pipe dreams project.   “It will change the direction of our province. It will change the direction of our economy. It will change the fate of many of...

Sisters in Spirit Vigil

Sisters in Spirit is a national movement for social change that encourages concerned citizens and Aboriginal community members to gather together on October 4 to honour our missing and murdered Aboriginal girls and women, and their families. The movement started with a daughter’s vision. Bridget Tolley was worried that...