Author: Guest

From the New Brunswick Green Party

First of all I have a confession to make. I submitted a draft copy instead of the final copy of the previous article to the paper. I guess it shows what a computer luddite I am. The only glaring difference is the definition of “peak oil”. It should have...

“Dave… The Bounty Hunter”

the old man in the hat Mr. Premier, I admire a man with ambition. I mean, with your polling numbers, I think it’s great that you are branching out. Looking after your future. Very prudent. You have the perfect opportunity- a full time gig- but with enough time on...

From the New Brunswick Green Party:

For those who are satisfied with the way this Province is and has been run, please feel free to skip over this article. For those who are interested in exploring something different, then maybe this will be of interest to you. AS Einstein said ” insanity is doing things...

The Old Man in the Hat

“Please, sir, I want some more.” Oliver Twist, 1837 Charles Dickens, in his novel, Oliver Twist, revealed to his countrymen the horrors of the workhouse, that era’s solution to the problem of providing aid to those in society unable to make ends meet. The workhouse experience of Great Britain...

The “F” Word and the Broken Windows Theory

One of the more entertaining, illuminating and downright fascinating books in my own personal reference library is titled “The “F” Word.”   It is published by the Oxford University press, the same folks who publish the Oxford English Dictionary, among other scholarly and utterly respectable books.   And yes,...


Sometimes we get so tired of the reasons that people give for wanting to abandon a perfect little loving animal. A mature, caring personality would not stoop to such behaviour. A thinking person would not expect a pup to raise itself in the ways of humans, and expect that...

If it Walks Like a Duck

The Old Man in the Hat Recent provincial decisions to restructure health care delivery at Hotel Dieu Hospital have been predictable and demoralizing. Simultaneously raising people up with the relocation funds, and dashing them down with a loss of health services. Carrot and stick. Part, I am convinced, of...


Again, it is not just the DunRoamin’ group that advocates bringing pets indoors and making dogs part of the family instead of leaving them outside. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I would like to pass on these tips from the BC SPCA. They are very relevant here – a...

Earthbag Construction

A few issues back in the gazette we ran a story about Earthship Construction. Those wonderful homes are made by stacking earth-filled recycled tires to create the walls of the structures. I just ran across another fascinating and beautiful building construction method called Earthbag Construction, which uses nothing more...

Big Tig Talks

Hi. This is a very sad and sorry Tigger. Me ‘n’ Ember ‘n’ Sadie got in trouble the other day. It was stupid Ember anyway. I never even did nothin’!! And Sadie just cried and she ain’t in trouble…   This is what happened…Ember is a big jerk! Ember...