I Got the Bi-Location Blues…

From the editor…..

Got Chemtrails? I took this photo from my deck on  Sunday afternoon, June 1st at around 4 pm
Got Chemtrails? I took this photo from my deck on
Sunday afternoon, June 1st at around 4 pm
Last week Stacey and I travelled to Fredericton where we attended the fascinating Modern Knowledge Tour at the Fredericton Delta Inn. I’d planned to include an article about this exciting and informative presentation in this issue, but I ran out the space to do it justice. Too much other stuff going on!
So look for the article in the next issue of the Blackfly. This brings me to another problem I’ve recently noticed. Now that the weather has finally turned nice many local events are scheduled for the exact same time!

I’ve been wishing that I had the power and ability to bi-locate, you know, be two places at once. Throughout history there are records of mystics, gurus and shamans with this ability.

There are even tales of ordinary people suddenly finding themselves miraculously someplace else! I just read an article about an Indian Mystic, a guru who had the ability to teleport objects and cause items to appear out of thin air.

Researchers from the US had visited him, and could find no evidence of trickery. He was actually manifesting items. A journalist who met with him discovered, to his horror, that he was out of the special film for his camera (this took place some years back, in the pre-digital stone age!) and he could not purchase any locally. He was in a remote and primitive village.

The guru smiled and held out his fist. When he opened his hand, there were two rolls of the film the photographer needed.

When the journalist returned to the states a couple of weeks later, he took his film to a photography shop in New York City. As he picked up the developed prints which featured photos of the guru, the lab tech said, “Hey! I know that guy. He came in here a couple of weeks ago and bought two rolls of film.”

An Indian Guru in saffron robes would be an unusual and memorable sight.
So, if this story is true, the guru travelled through time and space, as he instantaneously transported himself to New York, bought the film, and returned all in the blink of an eye.

Neat trick! This means that teleportation is possible, and that we could all be teleporting to wherever we wanted to go without using fossil fuels if we could all just figure out the trick…

Back in the 1970’s I read lots of science fiction. One of my favourite books was called “The Stars My Destination” by Alfred Bester.

This story dealt with a character named Gully Foyle who had the ability to teleport himself across space and opened up with this little poem (cribbed from James Joyce, incidentally!)

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep Space is my dwelling place
And Death’s my destination

In this future, a laboratory technician named Jaunt found himself in a life threatening situation.
Without effort or volition, he suddenly was transported across the lab, out of harm’s way. Naturally, this ability had exciting possibilities, so corporations endangered, and killed, a bunch of human guinea pigs until they discovered the secret to the process, which they then called “jaunting”. Ha ha.

On Sunday afternoon I stepped out onto my deck and was appalled to see vast spider webs of chemtrails being laid as I watched. These horrific attacks on our planet, and us, are no longer conspiracy theories….even governments have had to admit that something is going on.

The fallout from chemtrails has been tested numerous times in many regions and countries, and is always found to be full of toxic substances including aluminum, barium and strontium, along with nano particles that we breathe in and that fall into our soil and water.

If you look at the photo, that haze is not clouds….it is earlier chemtrails that have dispersed, with 3 clear new ones.

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