Local Romance!

Love Our Village

loveAny relationship counsellor will tell you that if you want your marriage or relationship to thrive you must actively love your partner. This doesn’t mean just saying the words, it means following through with actions and paying attention, and treating your partner as the special person that they are.
Many relationships fail because one or both of the partners simply fail to pay attention to the other. They stop courting them, and love takes a powder. Most times when cheating spouses are asked why they do it, they say it’s because their lover pays attention to them!

All of our relationships are like this…. Our best friends are the people who take the time to listen and spend time with us.

We have a relationship with the people, groups and businesses within our community as well. And just like the energy in a marriage, our communities flourish when we love them. And just like in a marriage, to truly demonstrate your love for your community you gotta do more than just pay lip service…. You must open up your heart and actively support local groups, clubs, events and businesses!

If you want Perth-Andover, or any community, to thrive and grow it needs the love and attention of its own citizens. Shop local, support local groups, help sponsor events and donate a little time and energy to the many causes in and around our villages.

There’s a shift in consciousness happening around the world. Sure, there’s lots of gloom and doom in the news, the mainstream media is a tool of the elite controllers that want us all to feel helpless and powerless so they can continue to control us.

But there’s a ground swell of people rejecting the fear and embracing a humanitarian vision for the future, and they are doing it by opening their hearts and consciously loving themselves , the rest of humanity, and all living things … including the planet.

Physicists say we are living in a holographic reality…. We are literally experiencing life on the Holodeck, just like Star Trek, and we have the ability to use our emotions to change our reality.

Most people these days now have some acquaintance with the “Law of attraction”, motivational success speakers such as Wayne Dyer and ideas like using positive affirmations and scripts such as those presented in “The Secret” where we learn that we create our own reality. Therefore we have the ability to change our reality.

But the trick is….we can’t just will it, or talk about it, or gripe about how we want change… we have to actively use the emotion of LOVE to charge our vision.

We can make our rural communities blossom with renewed excitement, jobs and creativity by actively loving what we’ve got, and loving the idea of MORE for everyone., instead of carping about what we don’t have.

Focussing on lack only brings more lack! Ideas and words are things, and they make our reality what it is. The more anyone harbours negative thoughts or says negative things about people and businesses, that’s what we get…. because that’s where attention has been focussed.

Want to change the program? Change your script! But feel it in your heart, and share it with your friends, family, neighbours and our local business community. Make this Valentine’s Day the day we turn the page and step into a glorious new future for our village!

Love, Stephanie

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