Family Literacy Night at Andover Elementary

Stephanie Kelley

Grade 4 teacher Gina Fournier delights her audience by reading “The Tickleoctopus” ….a prehistoric tale of how caveboy Bup and his grumpy family finally learned to lighten up and laugh!
Grade 4 teacher Gina Fournier delights her audience by reading “The Tickleoctopus” ….a prehistoric tale of how caveboy Bup and his grumpy family finally learned to lighten up and laugh!
“Story Book” was the theme of Family Literacy Night at Andover Elementary on the evening of January 23rd. Hundreds of people braved the cold to visit the school and enjoy a play and take in all the story book themed art, projects and posters that were on display throughout the building.
Tables were set up in every hall and piled high with story books and information, and as a book lover myself, it was all glorious and creative.
The event opened with a delightful little play that told the story of the Three Little Pigs from the wolf’s point of view. It’s always all about those pitiful pigs, you know? Turns out the wolf had an entirely different take on the whole affair!

According to the wolf, she was really only visiting those little pigs to borrow a cup of sugar so she could make a cake for her Granny’s birthday. But, she had a case of the sniffles, and every time she knocked on a piggy’s door, she was overcome by a huge sneeze, and, well….those houses made of straw and sticks just weren’t up to the stress.

The Wolf tells her side of the story to a rapt audience!
The Wolf tells her side of the story to a rapt audience!
It was all an accident! But what happened next is that the news reporters got hold of the story, and being the scandal-mongering journalists that they were, they decided that the truth just wasn’t juicy enough so they came up with all that huffing and puffing nonsense that the wolf has had to live with ever since.

Or so she claims, anyway!

Story times were scheduled in many of the classrooms, and I was lucky enough to hear Gina Fournier reading a rather surreal but amusing kid’s book “The Tickleoctopus”. Kids books sure have come a long way from the Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys.
It was an evening filled with good books, lots of stories, family fun and beautiful art!

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