Winter Solstice 2013

Shortest Day-Longest Night

Stephanie Kelley

winter-solstice-full-moon Winter will officially arrive in our little corner of the Universe here in New Brunswick at precisely 1:11 PM on Saturday, December 21 this year.
There was quite a bit of hoopla surrounding the Winter Solstice last year, in 2012, what with it being the end of the Mayan Calendar and the beginning of the Great Shift.
There were some pretty dramatic predictions and expectations for this date last year as millions of people around the world looked forward to it with both fear and hope.
To the disappointment of many, we did not wake up in a Bold New World or the Golden Age…but every day more and more are waking up and realizing that our world has been taken over by criminals, and so gradually but unmistakeably our collective consciousness is shifting.

There haven’t been any particular predictions made about this year’s Solstice. But, the Mayans were not the only culture which made predictions for mankind’s future many thousands of years ago.

The Hopi people speak of four ages through which man has evolved. In each age, people started in perfect balance with the earth, the Creator and each other. But by the end of each age, they had turned away from nature laws and spiritual principles. The first age was destroyed by earthquakes, the second by an ice age, and the third by a flood. We are now approaching the end of yet another age with the earth out of balance and its people in disregard of spiritual principles.

Each of these past three ages seems to have been trial runs for humans to work through what they needed to learn. This current age, the fourth age, is the final phase. According to the Hopi, the highest and greatest powers that we have will be released to us in this new age, which they refer to as the age of the human.

Ancient Hindu writings also say that mankind lives through four ages, or yugas, which are said to succeed each other endlessly.

Man goes through an age of enlightenment during the Satya Yuga, or Golden Age, which is the first age of mankind. Satya is the era of truth and goodness, and, as man’s consciousness descends, so we pass through the yugas or ages of man.

We are now in the Kali Yuga, which is the fourth age of man, and is the Dark Age of our consciousness. This strikes me as a perfect description of the utter madness that appears to have our current world in a death grip!

Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali Yuga. We humans have been living on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years . Our history books are total bunk deliberately designed to keep us in fear and ignorance. Don’t believe ‘em! We humans have been around for a long, long time. And in previous ages, we achieved some pretty darned impressive feats! The archaeological proof of tremendous technology exists, but is totally ignored by history books and the mainstream media!

In previous ages, we were in touch with our inner divinity and were telepathic, and so did not need to write stuff down. If we needed information, we were able to access it instantaneously from the Cosmic Mind.

We have been entrained to think of cultures without writing as primitive and barbaric, when actually, writing was developed as we humans lost connection to source…

Down through the ages, this ancient wisdom was orally transmitted and eventually written down in Sanskrit around 500 BC. These sacred texts give us some idea of the other three cycles of time. The texts were faithfully memorized and handed down from generation to generation. We no longer possess such an amazing command of memory. Imagine memorizing complete books! What we have available to us now in the Kali Yuga as the sacred texts written in the Sanskrit script was transcribed much later than it was composed.

  Some of these ancient texts accurately predict the conditions we are now experiencing. Remember these are predictions from well over 6,000 years ago – before the advent of writing and written history! The ancients who made these prophecies considered them to be abnormal, unheard-of, and outrageous.

And, I really don’t know whether to laugh or to cry at the symptoms of the Kali Yuga, as described by Hindi sages 6,000 years ago…but boy oh boy, did they ever hit the nail on the head!

From the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana:

  • Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.
  • Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.
  • Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
  • There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.
  • Predatory animals will be more violent.
  • Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.
  • People will prefer to choose false ideas.
  • No one will be able to trust anyone else.
  • People will be envious.
  • There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.
  • People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground shelters.
  • Young girls will do trade in their virginity.
  • The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains. (Chemtrails and weather modification)
  • Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.
  • There will be many beggars and unemployed people.
  • Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.
  • Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
  • The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.
  • Water will be lacking.
  • (This is will blow your mind!): Pre-cooked food will be readily available!
  • The ancient seers actually predicted fast food!


    So when does this Kali Yuga end, anyway? The texts say that as we approach the end of this yuga, our sense of time becomes compressed so it seems that time goes by faster and faster.

    The yugas reflect our state of consciousness, so to move beyond this Dark Age into the Golden Age we need to remember who we are. We must become altruistic instead of selfishly consuming as much as possible and by these acts transform our world.

    Here’s to a Happy 2014 and a brighter future for us all!

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