“The emperor has no clothes!”

the old man in the hat


Sorry folks. Still on the marihuana thing. This time it is about Cpl. Ron Francis, a Fredericton RCMP member, currently on medical leave. Apparently the RCMP management object to his wearing identifiable RCMP garb while at the same time consuming marihuana to treat his post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His LEGAL marihuana. Marihuana that he has a prescription for, no different than a prescription for antidepressants, anxiolytics or antipsychotics. Of course, the latter three agents would not be readily detectable without blood work. This makes them different than medical marihuana, which as most of us know, when smoked, is readily visible and noticeably pungent.

I am confused. The present Government of Canada is in the process of starting one of the biggest get rich schemes for their friends in the history of Canada. They are changing how patients access medical marihuana. Previously you could buy it from one government approved operation out West, or grow small amounts for yourself. No more. Medical marihuana in the future will be available only from private grow ops licensed and supervised by the feds, a scheme that raises the costs, while making it more challenging for the patients. Free market without the free part.

Despite the method of obtaining said marihuana, the key part is the LEGAL aspect of it.
From a LAW and ORDER GOVERNMENT, they have conceded that a Legal demand exists and have established a LEGAL method of distribution and consumption, for medical purposes.

The last time I checked, the RCMP were a federal police force, part of the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, the guys that have made medical marihuana LEGAL and therefore have a responsibility to ensure that CANADIAN citizens are able to enjoy their LEGAL freedoms.

It gets better. On November the 28th the Mounties raided Cpl. Francis’s home and made a seizure. Not a seizure of his marihuana supply. They seized his uniform. I’m sure glad the RCMP in New Brunswick have their priorities straight. Ask anyone about their last interaction with a RCMP office and they will tell you that is goes something like the: “all the members are currently busy” and “we will get back to you”, that is if you don’t have a Mountie uniform that smells of weed- in that case, the SWAT team will be there ASAP!

If you don’t think that this is funny, you just don’t have a sense of humour. By the way Cpl. Francis, hang in there, the federal election is not that far away and Mr. Trudeau has inhaled!



Comments: theoldmaninthehat@sissonridge.ca

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