It’s raining dogs!…..

By Angie Hovey

save-dogsAt the moment there are 7 dogs here in my house living with my family. Blondie, Casey, Cinnamon, Ari, Annie, Gidget, and Jack. Some girls, a boy, some big, some medium, couple of guard breeds, couple of herding breeds, a mix of many breeds, a couple of old fellas, and a puppy….
 The first question I am asked: How?
Followed by the second question: Why?

 “How” would be an article in itself. “Why” is the most important question, and is easy to answer. Because someone has to. Someone has to take in the unwanted, homeless ‘supposed’ pets of our communities.  Many times public sympathy for these strays are offered, but too few times are any actions taken that may be hard/inconvenient/time consuming to do and in the best interest of the dog.

 When asked directly “Can you help this dog find a good home? Can you give it a good home until that home happens?” People are quick to respond….Below are a list the most common responses when asked for something more than sympathy 

 1. The first and most common excuse is the work load excuse:
 “I am not home enough. I work 5 days a week. I’d have no time for a dog”.
 Do you have children? A spouse? Hobbies? How do you make time for those people and activities you love? Is there no way you could incorporate another companion into your life? Is there no neighbor, family member, friend that could help you help a dog by letting it out or feeding it for you while you work? The truth is, you could, but it’s easier not to….

 2. If the work load didn’t work, it is always followed up by the I have a dog excuse:
 “I already have a dog. They wouldn’t like another dog in the house.” 
 Have you tried? Have you tried different dogs? Gender? Size? Age? Did your dog write you a note telling you of its hatred of other dogs? How do you know? How about socializing your dog to be ok with new animals? Have you asked your vet or another experienced dog handler for help? How about separating your dog from the foster? The truth is, you could, but it is easier not to….

 3. Once #1 and 2 haven’t worked the I save animals! one is soon brought out:
 “I rescued a dog/cat/puppies/kittens and took them to a shelter.”
You weren’t able to do what you expect another group of hard-working, busy-life having, animal-owning individuals to do? You couldn’t shelter, feed, love these animals you rescued yourself until you could find a home for them? You can’t be the responsible, dedicated, selfless person you expected to find at an animal shelter? The truth is, you could, but it’s easier not too….

 I could use every one of those excuses, and try go to bed every night with a clear conscience that I cannot find room in my heart/home for one more that needs a place …The truth is, I could, but it’s easier not to……

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