Mountain view Hydrotherapy & Detoxification Center

Mountain View Hydrotherapy & Detoxification Center at 344 Foleybrook Road in New Denmark
Mountain View Hydrotherapy & Detoxification Center at 344 Foleybrook Road in New Denmark
Digestive problems are the leading cause of work absenteeism in the US and Canada, and colon cancer is the second leading cause of death in Canada, after heart disease.
We spend millions of dollars on pills and potions for intestinal distress. Many of our digestive problems can be alleviated through diet and exercise and by a therapy still not very well known in this country: Colon Irrigation.
Colon irrigation is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of poison, gas, and accumulated fecal matter.
A colonic can help reduce the risk of developing colon-rectal cancer, remove toxic waste from your body, eradicate constipation, and increase the absorption of nutrients.
Unlike an enema, it does not involve the retention of water. There is no discomfort, no internal pressure, just a steady gentle flow in and out of the colon.
At the same time, the therapist may give an abdominal massage to help stimulate the colon.
Michelle Cote of Mountain View Hydrotherapy & Detoxification Center in New Denmark has been a certified colon therapist for 21 years.
Most of us are naturally squeamish when it comes to matters of elimination but a visit to a colon therapist is kind of like getting a manicure: She’s seen it all and is very matter of fact about the procedure and calmly puts the client at ease.
A person receiving a colonic lies on a table below the temperature controlled input tank.
The water is filtered and treated with UV light so it is sterile and free of chemicals and minerals.
A disposable speculum is gently inserted into the rectum and the client then lies on their back, well covered up for modesty.
Water flows into the colon via a small tube and out through a larger evacuation tube, carrying with it impacted feces and mucous.
Some people have results from their first colonic treatment. However, many people find that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen accumulated fecal matter.

Colonics taken in succession have a cumulative effect towards improved health.

The treatment room at Mountain View Hydrotherapy
The treatment room at Mountain View Hydrotherapy
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrefactive fecal matter. Fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands and feet and lethargy are among a few of the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing.

Constipation, of course, is another as well as chronic diarrhea. Your sense of well being is often dramatically improved with colon irrigation. You feel lighter and more energetic. The body can again assimilate food in the colon and is better able to defend against disease.

Natural peristalsis, tone and regularity are restored and many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle, sterile and scientific technique.
The colon is a tube approximately five feet long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. The three main functions of the colon are:

  1. The final digestion of our food
  2. The elimination of digestive residue
  3. The discharge of toxins and wastes from the body


When the colon is clean and functioning normally we experience better health. When the colon is congested, poisons back up into our system and pollute our inner environment.
This is called auto-intoxication which literally means “self- poisoning.”
There are many contributing factors to auto-intoxication. A toxic bowel, improper diet, insufficient exercise, stress, overeating and ignoring the “call of nature” can all lead to bowel problems.
Most of us had had years of poor to average nutritional food. Much of our food is processed, refined, overcooked, contains genetically modified organisms and is loaded with pesticides.
It’s a miracle our bowels work at all considering the constant battering they take!
Furthermore, the consumption of mucous producing foods such as meat, dairy products and flour cause dense and sticky bowel movements. Mucous stools are difficult for the body to eliminate.
When they are expelled, they leave behind a glue-like coating on the wall of the colon which accumulates layer by layer into a hard, rubbery crust.
The body cannot eliminate these layers of hardened mucous on its own. They are often carried for the duration of a person’s life as a toxic burden!
The colon is the largest perpetrator of disease of any organ in the body and is said to be the initiator of 80 percent of all critical illnesses.
These reasons are why thousands of people each year choose colon irrigation as a safe, inexpensive way to improve and maintain good health.
To find out more about colonics, or set up an appointment, call Michelle Cote at Mountain View at 506-553-2220.
Michelle is a certified massage therapist as well as a certified colon therapist. Her years of experience and calm and matter of fact manner will put you at ease and make your colonic a pleasant experience.

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