Man’s ability to think often renders him downright stupid
Two geologists were having a discussion. One geologist was more forward in his thinking, the other was rather narrow-minded, and therefore less wise than his colleague.
The geologists were discussing the tiny island we all live on. The enlightened geologist put forth the point that the earth is a living being. The dumb geologist disagreed. “The earth isn’t alive, it’s dead matter, I mean I’ve never seen it move.”
The first geologist said “flies.” which of course confused his friend. “Flies live for one week, so these two flies were sitting on a tree branch, one fly says to the other ‘I wonder, I wonder if this tree is…alive.’ The other fly says “Nah, I’ve been living here my whole life and I’ve never even seen the thing move.”
The story is apocryphal, the point is that, if anything we lack true understanding of what can be considered “alive”. A wise man once said “It is easier to move a mountain than it is to change the opinion of a man.”
Achieving true understanding is threatening because our opinions, so convicted and dear, may very well be changed, and we may be proven wrong.
We have a profound lack of understanding and kinship with the earth. We don’t yet feel the consequences of our actions, so we fool ourselves into thinking they don’t exist. We hurt her and she cries out, just as you do; thus we not only harm the physical integrity of our home, we also do injury to the very soul of life.
If man be judged by his actions, how then shall his heart be judged, how does one judge a void created by not using it for that which it was meant to be used; nurturing and healing.
And even if we choose to hear this cry, will it be enough?
All my relations
Dan Ennis

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