Tobique First Nation on the banks of the beautiful Wulustuk River
Tobique First Nation on the banks of the beautiful Wulustuk River
I remember, as a boy of five or six, going with my family to the Tobique River to spend Sunday afternoons swimming or picnicking. Our whole family; my mom, my dad, my brothers and sisters, and me. It was a happy time.
At that time, we could pick any body of water – brook, river, lake or ocean – to swim in without fear of contracting some bacteria, toxin, chemical or pollutant. We didn’t worry about waste by-products, carcinogenic materials or herbicides. These things were furthest from our minds as we enjoyed the beautiful things Creator provided for us.
This is no longer true. Today, even the water we drink can kill us. Farmers pour millions and millions of gallons of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides into our Earth Mother. These toxins make their way into our rivers, lakes, oceans and into the ground water. Chemical annihilation. And all of this takes place for the “bottom line” profit. It is not as it was in the days of our grandparents when crops were grown naturally, organically. Then, it was a process aimed at feeding people good healthy, nutritious food. It was much lees about “bottom line” profit, shelf life, looks or supporting big business.
Homeowners contribute to the death of marine life too, and their reasons are so much more insidious. While farmers often use chemicals on crops just to compete in the marketplace and make a meager living, homeowners do it for ego. They pour millions of gallons of pesticides and other harmful chemicals on their lawns every year so they can create some kind of personal artificial kingdom that reflects their status. All of these chemicals seep into the Earth Mother and find their way into our water systems.
The biggest culprits are the big businesses and the big corporations. These “fat cats” have no more regard for the safety of our Earth Mother and the water supply than did their ancestors in 1492 Europe. It is their arrogant, uncaring attitude that has brought our Earth Mother to the point where she can hardly sustain us, to the point where our marine environment is dying systematically and painfully. Human beings are killing our Earth Mother one drop, one tree, one blade of grass, one animal species at a time – in the name of big business, in the name of improvement, and in the name of fixing things.

Scientists and big business rush headlong toward the destruction of our Earth Mother. It will mean suicide, self-destruction, if things do not change. The pumping of pollutants and chemicals into our Earth Mother and into our air will eventually poison the cradle of all life: our waters.
This arrogant attitude presumes to dominate and conquer our Earth Mother. It presumes that we, as small, fear-filled human beings, are to control this world and everything in it with the most-powerful (richest) ones making decisions  
This is not what Creator put human being here to do. She made our Earth Mother perfect and asked us to care for her and nurture her so, in turn, she would always be able to sustain and nurture us. It was a reciprocal relationship. How do human beings improve perfection? The “improvements” are destroying our Earth Mother and will eventually destroy us.
We look at the ocean. It is so large and we fail to notice how it is being killed off. We have been fooled into thinking scientists will discover some way to revive the oceans and all marine life, so we close our eyes to the poison that still comes from big business, the farmers, and thoughtless homeowners. there is no magic cure to nullify the effects of this kind of genocide. The polluting has to stop.
We have to begin by recognizing the facts and acknowledging what has been, and what still is, taking place to destroy our marine life and our water supplies. Once we accept this and reconcile it on a personal level, we must take positive steps to stop this systematic genocide. But, it begins with us individually, with the recognition that our marine environment is being poisoned one drop at a time, and if we do not act soon, those drops will add up to death for our Earth Mother and all of us.
All My Relations
Dan Ennis

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