From the Editor…

The latest, shocking horrific mass murder has just taken place at an elementary school in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Yet another “Lone Gunman” supposedly went crazy and killed a bunch of people before conveniently killing himself.
This case is particularly horrendous because 20 innocent little first graders were killed.

As in all these other “Lone Gunman” scenarios, however, there are plenty of disturbing discrepancies with the evidence. Whatever actually happened, you can pretty much bet your bottom dollar that we are not being told the true story. Yet.
This massacre is adding further fuel to the ongoing debate about gun control. Various political pundits are also shamelessly exploiting the event to further their own agendas:
Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, former presidential hopeful, current spokesman for Rupert Murdoch’s “Fox News.” Huckabee inferred that the murders were the “will of god.”
“We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools… should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?”

Congresswoman Michelle Bachman of Minnesota equates violence in schools with “Jihadi lunches.” Bachman pointed out that schools that served “terrorist lunches” that included falafel or hummus, substances she believes likely to draw down the “wrath of god,” are responsible.

Seriously? Eat some chickpeas and incur the wrath of God? How in the hell did this woman become a member of congress?

Oh, wait, what am I saying! Way too many politicians appear to be nut jobs with globalist agendas, because governments sure don’t serve the actual needs of their people.

As terrible as this slaughter was, to put it into a different perspective the fact is that around the world over 20,000 kids die every single day.
In the time it took you to read this far, dozens of children died completely unnecessary deaths from poverty, hunger, lack of fresh water and easily preventable diseases and illnesses.

And let us not forget the ongoing daily carnage in Palestine, Afghanistan and all other places in the world where people are being murdered every minute of every day in the name of empire, profit and big oil.
It is up to us to shift this reality…We are the ones we have been waiting for!

Stephanie Kelley

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