Battle of the Sexes?

The most successful and joyful marriages and relationships I know of always involve two people who are genuinely interested in each other, and who strive to be their own “best selves” with their partner.
No matter how they have arranged their household duties and finances, they respect each other as an equal human upon the planet.
They are true partners who value one another.
This situation is unfortunately not the experience of most folks around the world right now.
We are still playing the game of life by kow-towing to a male dominator left brain ruled system
Fortunately, we are all waking up to this and enormous shifts in consciousness are taking place all over the planet!
However, this male dominator paradigm is what has enabled women….half the population of the planet…. to be relegated to second or third class status throughout history.
It has also created hell on earth by its justification for the relentless plundering and pollution of Mother Earth’s natural resources and the endless wars for control of these resources.
I was a young woman back when the Equal Rights Amendment was shot down in the USA. I was sorry at the time…. It only made sense to me that women should be granted legal status equal to men.
But as the years passed I realized I hadn’t really grasped the enormity of what had actually taken place.
One of the most vocal, strident and influential political lobbyists against the Equal Rights Amendment at the time was a woman named Phyllis Schlafly.
I was bemused back then that Schlafly, a powerful career woman who usually wore red power suits just like Sarah Palin would a generation later, would focus so much energy on denying her fellow females equal rights. Can we say “hypocrite”?
She convinced an astonishing percentage of American women to vote against female equality by saying that men would no longer be obligated to take care of them.
Well, I don’t know about that. My personal observation has been that no matter what the dictates of society are, some people…whether male or female… take care of their families, and some don’t.
Phyllis is still extremely active, incidentally, still stumping for the US neo-con imperialist war mongering cause at the age of 88!
I recently did a bit of reading about her anti-ERA campaign and discovered that her main true motivation was that she did not want women in the military, as she believed that female soldiers would weaken US military might and thus derail its plans for world domination. Interesting, eh?
Something else kinda funny turned up as well. She performed all this relentless campaigning to supposedly keep women safe at home where they belonged, keepers of the home fires as it were, while she ignored her own husband and five kids.
But I digress. Women who do not want women to be equal interest me. Why do they fear equality? Why do so many people of both genders still think that a male dominated world is better than a partnership world? Since it’s been working out so well so far…..
I saved a letter to the editor of a local paper some years back, as it expressed some interesting views.
It was written by a woman, who was protesting a recent political decision. She wrote “The cry of “Woman Power” has split our nation. Men have been silenced and trampled by this woman power for years. Everything is woman focussed. Women Power! They are out of control and accountable to no one!” Rage literally oozed out of her every word, all aimed against her own sex!
I’m not advocating control by one gender over the other, by the way. I’m all for the partnership way! But I fail to see where women have been able to exert all that much of this power she’s so angry about!
And then I just recently stumbled over another fascinating bit of the puzzle. I happened to come across an interview with Aaron Russo. He is best known for his work as a movie producer and director (Trading Places, Wise Guys) He later became a political activist and made an eye opening whistle blowing documentary titled “America: Freedom to Fascism.” (you can watch this on youtube if you’d like to lose a few more of your cherished illusions about the world!)
Russo was born into a wealthy family in New York, so ran in the same rarefied circles as the Rockefellers. He became close to Nick Rockefeller, who spilled some interesting secrets to Russo during the course of their friendship.
Russo then shared these secrets during the interview and one revelation that really snapped my head around was this: Nick Rockefeller told him, laughing, that the Rockefellers had financed and promoted the Women’s Liberation Movement. Not out of the kindness of their black bankster hearts either!
Two World Wars had shattered our former way of life, where women were the hearts of extended families. When women had to go to work in the factories when their men were sent to war families were forever changed.
But even up into the 60’s and 70’s, many middle-class men still made an actual living wage that enabled their wives to stay home and raise the kids and maintain a home with a heart.
The banksters realized that by encouraging women to join the work force, they’d be able to open up a whole new tax base.
They’d “liberate” them to become wage slaves in the system!
And then corporations began outsourcing and downsizing in the name of profit. All jobs paid less. Families had to have two breadwinners just to survive.
But the most diabolical part of this agenda is what it did to the kids. By ensuring that women had to work to help support their families it puts children into the system practically from birth.
Where they can be entrained from the earliest possible age to be good consumers and certainly not be taught how to think…only how to memorize, obey, sit still and shut up. Or we’ll pump you full of thorazine!
Clever bastards, aren’t they? However, as we all continue to become more awake and aware of all the bankster scams and plots, we will collectively change our world for the better.
During an interview with the artist Georgia O’Keeffe, she was asked what had made her marriage to photographer Alfred Stieglitz so successful. O’Keeffe replied, “Well, I was interested in what he did. And he was interested in what I did.” Here she paused and smiled sweetly and added “Very interested.”
I submit to you that once we are released from the shackles of our current system, we will all have the time to be interested in the world and find out who we really are. It’s going to make life absolutely fascinating!
Stephanie Kelley

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