Institutional Education?

“Education? We don’t want thinkers! We want workers!”
So said John D. Rockefeller, one of the most prominent of the Robber Barons as he explained what he wanted from the school system around the turn of the 20th century.
And our North American Educational System has been ruthlessly stifling creativity and abstract thinking in school children ever since, in order to churn out little robots to join the assembly lines and whatever other dead end jobs the Captains of Industry provide.
They say that school prepares you for life. In a political sense, this is true.
You enter as a free, creative individual with untapped talents.
You exit out as a brainwashed drone whose only observable ability is obeying orders from false superiors who think they own you.
That, and the programming to mindlessly consume junk products and junk food!
All remnants of protest and uniqueness vanish in an ocean of conformity.
The inner Child dies, and the Adult is bon as you come to accept servitude as a way of life.
If you had a choice between the life you currently lead or the awareness to perceive your reality in a more conscious way, which would you choose?
Would you remain in your psychological prison?
Or, would you free yourself and search for your own inner truth?
The Education System is a mind destruction factory that intellectually murders children and produces a fearful adult infected with the cancerous ideas of lack, facts and other limiting belief systems.
We are trained to memorize lists, facts and figures….all left brain, logical functions that totally ignore our intuitive right brain so that the right brain withers and atrophies from disuse.
After 12 long years of this nonsense most of us have forgotten how to think with our whole brains.
This makes us perfect candidates to be jailed at a mind numbing job for 8 hours a day, as we have forgotten how to think critically or to question our reality and our so-called “superiors.”
Traditional forms of instruction in America, even before the Revolution, had three specific purposes:

  1. To make good people
  2. To make good citizens
  3. And to make each student find some particular talents to develop to the maximum.

After 1900, and under the guidance and instructions of the business titans of the day, the new mass schooling arenas slowly became impersonal places where children were viewed as HUMAN RESOURCES. Human resource children are to be molded and shaped for something called “The Workplace,” even though for most of American history American children were reared to expect to create their own workplaces.
In the new workplace, most Americans were slated to work for large corporations or large government agencies, if they worked at all.
This revolution in the composition of the American dream produced some unpleasant byproducts. Since systematic forms of employment demand that employees specialize their efforts in one or another function of systematic production, then clear thinking warns us that incomplete people make the best corporate and government employees.
As we as a society become more aware and our consciousness expands we will stop incarcerating our kids in our current mind numbing school system.
Our kids need…we all need… whole brain activities to stay sharp and to grow…we need to use both sides of brain to keep both our intuitive, abstract self and our linear, logical self working together as a whole unit so that we all become whole, functioning humans again as the Creator intended!

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