Be Careful What You Ask For…

Many times we look to Governments for leadership only to be disappointed with the result. When it comes to community involvement in being as self sufficient as possible, we the public will have to take the lead. In the Harper Government’s rush to turn the keys to Canada over to the multinationals, they hope to sign a trade agreement with Europe called the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) this year.
This agreement will apply to all levels of Government from Federal to Municipal. Under this agreement no level of government will be able to anything that would interfere negatively with the bottom line of the multinationals. In effect that means that they cannot support “buy local” initiatives for any service or product, including food.

If one were to study this agreement they would find that the local citizens would have no say in whether or not any industrial activity could occur in their area. On top of that; any citizen whom a company with a genetic modified (GMO) patent accuses of having some of the company’s, on their property, will have all their assets seized (including bank accounts). This is on the accusation only without having been proved guilty. This in effect would eliminate the right of the land holder to defend themselves. It has already been proven that cross pollination is common and that these companies will stoop to anything to get their way.

Under normal circumstances where the local MP represents their constituency, one could forward one’s concerns to the MP and hopefully if there were enough concerned citizens the MP would forward those concerns on to Ottawa. From my experience our MP is only interested in promoting the Harper agenda and will not even entertain any arguments to the contrary.

If we respect what our ancestors fought, and many died for; and if we want future generations to be able to live in a society that respects individual rights and freedoms, it is up to us to do our part to ensure that legacy. To most of us “politics” is a dirty word. The sad reality is that Governments determine the broad environment in which we live. It is our responsibility to look beyond the political spin and try to understand what is really going on. If we truly care about our future generations we can no longer afford the luxury of voting the way granddad did or for those who try to buy our vote.

We get the kind of Government we ask for. For the large percentage who don’t vote because they don’t like the situation, you are enabling the system to continue.
For those who would like to check whether or not I am just blowing smoke, the following are some suggestions for further information. and key in CETA,, for a draft copy of CETA; and and check “Food, Inc.” on the program “Now” to see how our food and food like substances are produced.

Wayne Sabine

Wayne is a member of the Green Party and a Concerned Citizen of New Brunswick.. He owns an organic farm in Tilley, Circle S Farms, with his wife Dilys.

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