Tag: TransCanada Pipeline

The Web

From the editor…. Last night I was laying in bed with my face buried in a book when I gradually became aware of an insistent and annoying buzzing noise. Kind of like a tiny, far away chain saw, it was over-riding even the sound of the fan turning in...

“Why Not?”

The old man in the hat The fine people of TransCanada Pipelines have graced us with their dog and pony show of the proposed “Energy East”, 12 billion dollar energy project. How nice.   I think the weekly magazine Maclean’s said it the best in their September 2 article,...

Broken Promises and Broken Pipelines The Great Oil Tar Sands Bamboozle

Representatives from the TransCanada Corporation ….or perhaps TranceCanada would be more accurate… have been hosting workshops across New Brunswick to spew hopium to struggling rural communities in our province in order to promote their Energy East Pipeline project. This ambitious plan proposes to build a pipeline from the oil...