Tag: Green Government

Agriculture vs Agribusiness

Note from the NBGP In the last article we talked about building a green economy. This article will zero in on one aspect of that economy: agriculture.   Big business and their minions in government have basically replaced the word “agriculture” with “agribusiness”. They always refer to it as...

Note from the NBGP

The New Brunswick Green Party (NBGP) is committed to building a green economy. One would have to live with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell not to realize we are in the last stages of an economy based on the use (mis-use?)of fossil fuels; with the associated side effect of...

Note From the New Brunswick Green Party

In his book “The Unsettling of America”, first published in 1977, Wendell Berry states: “No rational person can see how using up the topsoil or the fossil fuels as quickly as possible can provide greater security for the future; but if enough wealth and power can conjure up the...

Note from the NB Green Party

We have probably all heard the saying ” an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. This doubly applies to our health and consequently our health care system. The need to reduce the amount of tax dollars spent on health care in this Province, along with the...

A Note from the New Brunswick Green Party

We have had over 25 years of “trickle-down economics” or “Reaganomics” which basically gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the theory that they would invest the extra money in the economy and that money would trickle down to those on the low end of the economic scale. We...

From the New Brunswick Green Party

First of all I have a confession to make. I submitted a draft copy instead of the final copy of the previous article to the paper. I guess it shows what a computer luddite I am. The only glaring difference is the definition of “peak oil”. It should have...