Category: Opinion

Languages Act Needs Revision

I am writing with regard to the position of the Language Commissioner in New Brunswick. Every New Brunswicker needs to know the inordinate amount of power wielded by this person. She was not elected by the public, and yet is making decisions that are detrimentally affecting the majority of...

“Flying on a jet plane… with apologies to John Denver!”

the old man in the hat   I would like to think that I am a reasonable guy. Handsome and slim too! Too bad my wife and friends don’t think so too! I try to keep it under control. I take my medicines every day and limit my intake...

Beantown ‘n Back!

I have just recently been to Beantown ‘n back! Beantown – Boston – 650,000 beantowners! Actually, three generations of B’fielder males drove down and back via PTV (Personal Transportation Vehicle). That turnpike/freeway is really nice to travel on, but can leave you “turnpike tardy”, particularly with a lot of...

Divorcing the Matrix

From the editor…. We hope everyone had a safe and fun New Brunswick Day holiday! It seems like summer just got here, but now it’s already winding down to a close. But there is still lots going on in and around and about our River Valley communities, and you’ll...

Life On The Shoulders!

Life On The Shoulders! Did you ever feel like, “Stop the world … and get it off of my shoulders!” We all do at times! I did when ‘someone’ commented on my use of Big Words. Yet, going back to the June 25, 1816 Royal Gazette I found lychophronism,...

“Bring on the hounds…”

  The old man in the hat   Composing a bi-weekly commentary can be challenging. Sometimes nothing seems to strike a chord and other times there is so many topics buzzing around that it is hard to focus. This week presents a bumper group of delight! The first gift...

“Power to the people!”

the old man in the hat   There is an old saying, fish and visitors stink after three days. Unfortunately after our recent visit from tropical storm Arthur, the stink seem to be hanging on. As I write this article 45000 New Brunswickers are still without power, 5 days...

The Town You Save May be Your Own

From the editor…. Foodland closed their doors forever on July 5th. In the few days prior to their closure, people came from near and far to partake of the going our of business feeding frenzy. There were great bargains to be had, to be sure, but it was still...

Rogue Row…Folklore and Fancy!

Folklore and Fancy! There’s folklore and fancy, fiction and fact, if you have to stretch the truth be sure to use some tact! In this area the telling of “whoppers” used to be an art in itself. Around the woods bunkhouses, kitchen parlors, quilting bees, and barn-raisings. Real stretches...

What Would I Know!

Sometimes I just have to wonder! Sometimes I feel like I’m racing down a column declivity with no brakes and/or performing column acrobatics with no net! Like, I read where a man is out hunting with his wife, who has a license, and they come across a moose and...