Category: Health


The Best Choice For Baby By Liza Davenport Breastfeeding. It is the natural way of feeding our infants and young children. Then why are there so many women out there having such a difficult time with the practice, if this is a natural way of life? Here are the...

Natural and Unpasteurized Honey from Hollins Apiary

Blake Hollins, a local bee keeper in Arthurette, produces and sells all natural, raw unpasteurized honey. He started keeping bees about nine years ago, and now has 19 strong colonies producing honey.   Raw honey is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-carcinogenic. It offers up a whole host of health benefits...

Let’s Talk about Sex… the Consensual Kind!

by Emily Lockhart Emily Lockhart grew up in Perth Andover and graduated from Southern Victoria high school in 2005. She holds a BA in Sociology and Women’s Studies and an MA in Sociology from the University of New Brunswick. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Socio-legal studies at...

Herbal Medicine

Way back before we had Big Pharma, pills and expensive patent medicines folks depended on local herbalists to help them heal when they got sick. Every generation of herbalists built on the knowledge and experience that had been gathered by the healers who had lived before them.   These...

Bee keeping workshop

Want to learn more about bees and beekeeping? Falls Brook Centre in Knowlesville will be hosting a two part Bee Keeping Workshop.   Part one will be on Saturday, August 24th and part two will be held on October 5th. Both workshops will run 1-5 pm.   Falls Brook...

Raw Honey vs Pasteurized “Honey”

Honey has been valued by people for thousands of years for its flavour, nutritional value and healing properties. Honey is anti-microbial and was used in ancient times for both dressing wounds and as a preservative for herbal medicines.   In fact, raw honey has such amazing natural preservative qualities...

How the Honey Bees Got Their Stingers A Cherokee Legend

Back in ancient times when the people were more pure and could converse with the animals and the Creator would visit with them, the people asked the Creator for something that was ‘sweet’ to the taste. So the Creator sent the Bee, but the Bee had no stinger. Down...

People are rejecting GMO…

People and whole countries all around the world are rejecting genetically modified foods but Monsanto and other chemical corporations are still frantically scrambling to pollute the planet with their pesticides, herbicides and GMO seeds.   The latest story to come out is their deranged plan to create a variety...

Junk Food Junkies

We all say that we’re going to clean up our act, start exercising, eat better and cut out the junk food. How hard can it be, really, to give up chips and pop?   Well, as it turns out, it’s about as easy as kicking heroin. Junk food is...

Weed Killer in GMO Cigarettes

I used to smoke when I was younger. Like most young people, I thought I’d live forever, at least until I was 30 anyway, and after that who cared…life would be over!   At any rate, I soon got over my love affair with cigarettes and quit the things....