Category: Issue 51

You Do The Math!

I’ve read that Bobby Orr waited 35 years after his final NHL game to write a hockey book! So, that game was in 1978. You do the math! hockey changes – Cherry hasn’t. He’s still living in a corner (No pun intended!) back in the 70’s Boston/Orr era. Don...

Food for Thought…

Linda Nicholas Due to yet another challenging personal encounter this morning I got  thinking about the reason people will go to such frustrating lengths  to avoid admitting that they do not know something.  I have heard it said they are the three hardest words to say. Only once has...

As I walk………..

A Laypersons Journey to Understanding We live in an interesting era. Over the last fifty years there has been a diminishment in the role of the traditional church in the lives of everyday people. By church, I simply refer to the very hierarchal, top down, organizational structure of many...

de·moc·ra·cy de·mocK·ra·cy

the old man in the hat Democracy is a tricky thing. Our particular version, even more so, as a representative democracy, carried out in the style of a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.   So…..We, The People, do not directly control the action. We elect others to act on our behalf....

Random Notes About Life

From the editor… As I write this Easter Monday Morning, Fright Week has finally ended for the Village of Perth-Andover and we can at long last disengage the pause button and get on with our lives. While we were all living through the nail biting suspense of wondering if...

Scotiabank Bake Sale Goodies Deliver the Goods!

Andover Elementary students were thrilled to collect much needed funds to repair and improve their school playground from the big hearted efforts of the Perth-Andover branch of Scotiabank.   The bank’s staff recently pulled out their best recipes and got cooking in their own kitchens in order to host...