Category: Issue 28

PAFD –The Real Story

Perth-Andover Fireman Leigh Boone sets the record straight. BFG: There are many misconceptions and misperceptions in the community as to why 6 Firemen have been “let go”. Can you please help the citizens of Perth-Andover who depend on our Fire fighters to understand the circumstances surrounding your dismissal? Leigh:...

From the editor

Hello Dear Readers, Steph here, back to life after a 44 day stint at the hospital! That was a long time to be out for the count. Words cannot express my gratitude to my family and friends who have taken care of my pets and home, and visited me...

New and Modern Treaties and the Continuing Manipulation of Our People

New and modern treaties means dealing with new and modern fascist Nazis. New and modern Nazis but with the same old violent attitude and mind set that white is right and that might is right.   These new and modern Nazis, just as with Hitler’s Nazis, have absolutely no...

Does Time Exist?

KOOKMIS-ENOOG (Our Grandmothers) on Indian time Our two peoples’, Indians and Euro-Christians, world views are as different as night and day.   One excellent example of this fact is the concept of time. Time such as past, present, future, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Time is a Euro-Christian,...

“All You Can Eat”

The old man in the hat Do you like buffets? Sometimes I find them to be intimidating. So much food. So little time. That old saying, “eyes too big for the stomach”, comes to mind. With so much choice, it is ever sooo easy to overindulge. Then comes the...