Cooperative Collaboration!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any enterprise wants and needs love and support, and the

Heidi & Francine demonstrate cross-promotional collaboration in action
Heidi & Francine demonstrate cross-promotional collaboration in action…Heidi promotes “A Walk in the Park” as Francine promotes the Larlee Creek Hullabaloo Music Festival!

best way to get that love and support is to give some to someone else!

We all do better when we all do better… think about it. The more successful and abundant one person is, the more they have to share and invest back into the community.

Cooperative Collaboration is defined as the act of combining and sharing resources in an effort to work together through mutually beneficial relationships to achieve common goals.

When individuals, businesses, and community organizations come together to share resources in a cooperative way and join forces in a spirit of collaboration then the cooperative pooling of resources saves money and collaboration facilitates progress and innovation.

The end result is the creation of better and more efficiently created resources for meeting a community’s needs, and a better community for all!

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