Perth-Andover Scotiabank Bakes for a Cause!

Stephanie Kelley

Scotiabank Branch Manager Mike Allen,  Wanda Mayo, Tasha Turner, Zayne Sappier, Alissa Clark, Kira Wilson, Allie McFadden and Principal Ann-Marie Berry-Wattie with a table full of goodies...
Scotiabank Branch Manager Mike Allen, Wanda Mayo, Tasha Turner, Zayne Sappier, Alissa Clark, Kira Wilson, Allie McFadden and Principal Ann-Marie Berry-Wattie with a table full of goodies…

The Perth-Andover Scotiabank crew stepped up to the plate to help raise funds for the Andover Elementary Playground.
A fence was needed, as well as some upgrades and repairs to some of the equipment. The school receive funding for the work, but must pay for the installation of the equipment and the HST.

To help the school raise funds to cover these costs, Scotiabank employees all made their best desserts and pastries and sold them in the bank lobby over a three day period.

Principal Ann-Marie Berry-Wattie visited the bank with class representatives to personally thank the Scotiabank staff for helping out.

There were all kinds of cookies and other baked treats such as date squares, lemon bars, banana bread and more, and most bank customers left with a little bag of something when they were done with their business!

Scotiabank raises funds to assist many causes. If you didn’t get any cookies at the Bake Sale, you can still drop by and pick up some interesting reading matter. Scotiabank has a table set up covered with all kinds of books which you may purchase for a cash donation. All the money collected from book sales goes to help a variety of charities and causes in our community. The selection is eclectic and you never know what treasure you might find at this table!

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