From the editor… The Butterfly Effect

mother_earthThe Butterfly Effect describes the condition in which a small change in one place can result in large differences in a later state .
The flapping wings of the butterfly represent small changes in the initial condition of the system which then goes on to create a chain of occurrences leading to large scale alterations in events.
The name of this effect comes from the theoretical example of a hurricane’s formation being contingent on whether or not a butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks earlier…..did that tiny vortex of stirred air created by the butterfly gather energy and become the eye of a hurricane?
A little butterfly seems like it wouldn’t have such far reaching effects on the weather patterns of our world…. But what about the effects of our utter human folly and hubris as we drill, frack, dam rivers, strip mine, clear cut forests, saturate the air with poisonous fumes, fill our rivers and oceans with toxins and drench the earth with deadly chemicals?

Is it any wonder that our Mother Earth is in full scale revolt right now?

Many scientists and physicists, who are normally committed to dry, unemotional and empirical and objective observations, now report that we indeed exist in a living universe.
They now agree that the very air around us vibrates with a life force that we cannot see but that is undeniably present. That it responds to us, our actions and our very thoughts.

Indigenous peoples around the world have always known this and have always revered the planet as a living entity that provides life and sustenance to all.

Our Mother Earth is indeed alive, and she is responding to our full scale assault on her body in the only way she can…. By attempting to purge herself of the poisons and insults she has endured.

We can see the evidence of this all over the planet… rampaging floods and killer droughts are happening all over the world.
Sink holes are opening up all over the planet. Earthquakes are occurring in places that used to be considered to be geologically stable. Once dormant volcanoes are becoming active and storms are lashing the planet.

When we humans get sick, our bodies respond by trying to expel the intruder, whatever the initial cause of the illness. We vomit, our bowels get loose, we develop cysts and abscesses and boils and eruptions. We shiver, shake, sweat and run fevers.
Our eyes weep to cleanse themselves and we hack up phlegm.

I think you could say that Mother Earth is weeping pretty damned hard right now.

It is incomprehensible that in the face of all the pain, suffering and ecological devastation on our planet today that corporations and governments continue to persist in the rape and exploitation of our one and only home planet.

If our own bodies are assaulted with enough poisons, pain and injury, we die. End of game.

So why are we allowing our world to be destroyed in the name of profit? And, our own provincial government wants to sell out our natural resources to pursue the corporate dream of globalization.

Globalization is not about helping mankind, or creating jobs and abundance for the bulk of humanity. It’s the exact opposite.

It’s aimed at turning the planet into one giant global marketplace governed only by corporate spreadsheets. It makes our world a global marketplace that can be pillaged and exploited to consolidate all of the world’s wealth and resources into the hands of the elite few.

And while it does that, it turns the planet into one giant pile of stinking and steaming radioactive garbage!

Fortunately, people are waking up to this game and beginning to cry foul in louder voices all over the globe.

There’s a famous quote that says “Be the change you wish to see in the world” and it is true. You might feel powerless by yourself but remember, individually, we are just one drop but collectively, we are an ocean and as an ocean we can create a tsunami of change!

By making wise choices in the way we live our lives and consume products, we can create a huge butterfly effect of our own for the good of all.

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