Bigger Tigger is Looking for Cat Angels

Big Tig here,
bigger tigger This week, Angie took Tig to a couple places and asked Tig to go and try to talk to the wild cats that live there. I asked why a handsome Tiggy has to traipse through the snow, in the cold, to talk to cats? Angie knows how to talk to cats, she can go get wet and cold….Angie said these cats don’t trust humans, and she needed a Tig to go talk to them and see how DunRoamin’ could help. Tig felt like dog slobber for not wanting to help too.
So off I went to meet these cats that are scared of humans. It blew a Tig away. There were many, many cats, almost 50 cats of every color and size and age! At first they were scared of Tigger too, but once I explained who I was, and why I was there, they started to come around. I told them about Martha and the gang, that they only want to help, and they should learn to relax around humans. The cats told me they don’t have time to learn to like humans. They said they have to spend most all of their time looking for food and a warm place to try to sleep. Then they told Tig the biggest worry they have. Kittens. Kittens are their biggest worry. They said they have no control over when bunches of kittens just arrive and then they have to work twice as hard to find food and warm dry shelter for the little ones. They say it is really hard for them to do, especially in the cold months of winter. They said sometimes the babies can’t survive the cold or they can’t find enough food for them and it breaks their hearts. Tig cried. Broke a Big Tigs heart in pieces. These cats need a whole fleet of cat angels!

Tig told Martha all the things the cats said. Martha says we can help by asking our community to come together to help these cats. We can make warm, weather proof shelters for some of them, re-locate some to areas where someone can make sure they have lots to eat, maybe see if someone with a warm barn with cows or horses could use a bit of help with mice, and most importantly we could make sure they have no more surprise kittens to worry over. A Tig knows people care about these homeless cats, and that there are cat angels just waiting to help.

This is how you can be Bigger Tigger’s cat angel. Go to DunRoamin’ and find the DONATE button. Click on it and leave a message, with your donation, that you are A Tigger Angel and would like to help the cat colony. If each one of us gave a little bit, it wouldn’t take long to add up to a lot. We can all help these cats have a better future.


Please, be Bigger Tigger’s Cat Angel and help my friends.

Ciao, Tiggy.

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